Friday, May 31, 2024

Girl Friday: Lucky At The Last Minute

A couple of weeks ago, the perfume house Creed sent me their newest fragrance "Queen of Silk" as a gift, and for this occasion, I started writing a portrait for one of Stellarium's most unique columns "Perfume Portrait". For me, the photos must support the post and the contents of the post must support the photos. So I found myself thinking of taking some test shots at an old bridge.   

It seemed to me that this pink dress would look perfect in the picture. At the last minute I also grabbed my kimono that I call Hilda after my dear grandmother. When I first took it out of the package, I thought of her, and of course I then thought it was just a coincidence. But as I was ironing the kimono a few weeks later, I remembered my grandmother yet again. And it happened multiple times after that.

It so happened that I had this kimono nearby when I went to take the photos, and so I took it with me, because the kimono in the shade of purple that matches the Creed perfume bottle hadn't arrived from Japan yet. In my eyes the test shots came out very pretty. And, as is often the case, chance played a big part in the end, as the kimono I'd brought along as a replacement for the purple one was even better suited to its cheerful summery surroundings. Although the flowers had not yet bloomed, my kimono was in full-bloom. Finally, another shot of me posing with Creed's perfume "Queen of Silk".

I've been writing perfume portraits for Stellarium for over a decade, and a month ago I decided to turn an idea I've had in my head for a few years into a reality - I created an Instagram account dedicated to perfumes, which you can follow HERE.

Paar nädalat tagasi saadeti mulle parfüümibrändi Creed poolt kingituseks nende uusim lõhn "Queen of Silk" ja selleks puhuks hakkasin ma Stellariumi ühe unikaalseima rubriigi "Parfüümi portree" jaoks portreed kirjutama. Minu jaoks peab pildiseeria toetama postitust ja postituse sisu toetama pildiseeriat. Niisiis leidsin end mõttelt, et pildistame ühe vana silla juures proovipildid. 

Mulle näis, et seesama roosa kleit võiks pildil täiuslikult mõjuda. Viimasel hetkel haarasin kaasa oma kimono, mis kannab nime Hilda. Kui ma esimest korda selle kimono pakist välja võtsin, kangastus mu silme ees minu vanaema Hilda ja mõistagi arvasin, et see on juhus. Kui ma kimonot mõni nädal hiljem aurutama hakkasin, meenus mulle uuesti minu vanaema. Ja nii mitu korda.

Juhtus nii, et pildistama minnes oli see kimono mul kodus just käepärast ja nii haarasin ta pildiseeria tegemisele kaasa, sest Creed parfüümipudeli tooni lillakas kimono polnud veel Eestisse jõudnud. Proovipildid tulid minu silmis väga ilusad. Ja nagu sageli juhtub, mängis lõpuks suurt rolli just juhus, sest kimono, mille olin võtnud kaasa asenduseks lillale, sobis vaat et veel pareminigi selle rõõmsalt suvise ümbrusega. Kuna õied polnud veel puhkenud, siis õitses minu kimono. Lõpetuseks veel üks kaader, kus poseerin Creed parfüümiga "Queen of Silk". 

Ma olen Stellariumisse kirjutanud üle kümne aasta parfüümi portreesid ja kuu aega tagasi otsustasin, et teen paar aastat peas mõlkunud mõtte teoks - loon parfüümidele loodud Instagrami konto, mida kutsun sind jälgima SIIT.  

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