Saturday, July 31, 2021
Instagram Inspiration: Who picks your Instagram images?
How good are our choices when it comes to Instagram? And more so - photos of ourselves? Lately, the most images for my Instagram have been taken by my daughter. She has a good eye, interesting angles, and a lot of patience. A lot of the photos have been for fun, without staging them purposely - we took them on the go. To my big surprise, they have turned out to be the most viewed images on Instagram - as opposed to the carefully staged shoots.
Two images come to mind particularly - I doubted whether to post them at all, because they weren't 'me' at all. One can be here and the other one here. But the viewing numbers told a different story about those images. Regardless of whether I liked them or not, something captivated the viewers. Now that I've vacationed in London several times with the family, my daughter shot some photos of me again. I looked at them and thought they were nice as a memory, but I wouldn't post them.
But one evening I remembered the success of those photos my daughter took of me last summer. So, I asked my daughter to pick all the photos taken of me and I posted them on Instagram. One photo seemed totally not me and after it had been up for five minutes, I decided to delete it. But there were a lot of lovely comments under that photo. I left this image up and it's the opening image of this shot. There was another shot I didn't like that much - I was bothered by my hair and to be honest, my face wasn't looking the best either. But also this photo's viewing numbers skyrocketed. That was the case with every photo my daughter picked out. And that made me think about how we see each other, and how it doesn't match how others see us. I've showed my husband some of my photo shoots and asked how he liked them. Again - he picked totally different favourites from me. And I've posted them on Instagram - again, successfully.
Instagram has been a fun place to experiment throughout the years. Since my job is also making my clients successful on Instagram, I've taken a fair bit of notes over the years, and I'm taking them to you through the posts. But the first and most important thing I've discovered about Instagram is - trust someone else and their taste for a change every once in a while. You could be surprised about how others see you and how popular a post can get. What are the most interesting discoveries of yours in the endless wonderland that is Instagram? Who picks your Instagram images?
Kui häid valikuid me oma Instagrami jaoks teeme, kui asi puutub meist endast tehtud piltidesse? Viimasel aastal on minu Instagrami konto jaoks kõige enam kaadreid teinud mu tütar. Tal on hea käsi, huvitavad nurgad ja palju kannatust. Mitmed pildid oleme teinud aga niisama, naljaga pooleks. Lavastust pole olnud. Paljud kaadrid on sündinud nö. käigupealt. Minu suureks üllatuseks tõusid nad Instagramis palju vaadatumateks fotodeks, kui hoolikalt lavastatud ülesvõtted.
Iseäranis meenuvad kaks pilti, mille puhul kahtlesin, kas neid üldse üles panna, sest nad polnud absoluutselt minulikud – ühe leiad siit ja teise siit. Kuid fotode vaadatavus rääkis teist keelt. Kas nad mulle endale meeldisid või mitte, miski nendes köitis vaatajaid. Nüüd, kui olen perega mitmeid kordi Londonis puhanud, klõpsis tütar taas minust mõned pildid. Vaatasin neid ja mõtlesin, et mälestuseks väga vahvad, kuid avalikult ma neid üles ei riputa.
Kuid ühel õhtul meenus mulle taaskord nende piltide edu, mida mu tütar minust möödunud suvel tegi. Seega palusin, et kõik minust klõpsatud tehtud fotod valiks välja hoopis mu tütar ja panin nad Instagrami.
Üks pilt tundus mulle taaskord mitte-minulik ja kui see oli viis minutit üleval rippunud, otsustasin, et kustutan selle ära. Kuid foto all oli üllatavalt palju toredaid kommentaare. Jätsin selle kaadri alles ja see on postituse avapilt. Oli ka teine foto, mis mulle nii väga ei meeldinud – mind häirisid mu juuksed ja ausalt öeldes polnud nägu sellel kaadril ka suurem asi. Kuid ka see foto tõusis vaadatavuselt raketina taevasse. Nii läks iga pildiga, mille mu tütar valis. Ja see viis mind mõttele, et see kuidas me ennast näeme, ei lähe kokku sellega, kuidas teised mind näevad. Vahel olen mõnd fotoseeriat oma abikaasale näidanud ja küsinud, kuidas talle pildid meeldivad. Taaskord on tema märkinud lemmikuks hoopis teised kaadrid, mis on mulle meeldinud. Ja nii olen ka need Instagramis avaldanud – taaskord on neid saatnud edu.
Instagram on läbi aegade olnud minu jaoks meeleolukas eksperimenteerimise allikas. Kuna ma töötan ka erinevate firmade Instagrami kontodega ja minu töö on tagada klientidele edu, olen teinud viimase paari aasta jooksul palju märkmeid ja toon need postituste kaudu sinuni. Kuid esimene ja kõige olulisem seik, mille oma Instagramis avastasin, on see – usalda vahel kedagi teist ja tema maitset. Sa võid üllatuda, kuidas teised sind näevad ja kui populaarseks üks kaader võib osutuda. Mis on sinu põnevaimad avastused Instagrami lõputul Imedemaal? Kes valib sinu Instagrami pildid?
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