When it comes to appearance, the key question is often what would make our look more fresh? Is it a new lipstick shade? Clothes that give some colour to your face? Or is it a new haircut? Truth is that when I look well-rested, I never ask myself how I could look better and what to change about myself when I look in the mirror. In addition to plenty of sleep and a healthy lifestyle, the secret recipe for a fresh look is finding a product that nourishes and smooths skin properly.
Elizabeth Arden’s cult serum Prevage has been out for 15 years already. During these 15 years, Prevage has won 220 beauty awards and many times more hearts of women. Prevage has now taken a new and even more powerful course now as it has been replenished with ten ingredients that visibly reduce signs of ageing and help protect skin from environmental damage.
My expectations about the product are high also because a friend of mine managed to praise it. We all know a friend’s recommendation is much more effective than a thousand promises on the label. After three weeks of use, I feel I’m pumping the silver bottle like it was giving out gold - the overall look is improving in only a few weeks.
One of the biggest problems of my skin is large pores. When I find a product that reduces pores, I feel I’m winning. Thanks to Prevage, my skin texture looks perfect thanks to smaller pores. It’s possible that I haven’t been happy with my skin moist of the time due to large pores - now this hatchet is also buried with myself. It’s hard to put the ‘overall look of the skin’ into words, but while looking for the perfect analogy - after a month of using Prevage I look like I’ve returned from a paradise island vacation. So, those who can’t go on vacation today, could consider buying Prevage.
It’s worth mentioning that for the past month I’ve managed to live according to recommendations I would give my best friend - long walks, home cooked meals, I’m doing work that makes me happy and I laugh a lot more than before. Lately I’ve also been blessed with long sleep that I enjoy fully. Adding Prevage to that list of things, we could say we look like the life we live.
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P nagu päikeseline. P nagu puhanud. P nagu perfektne. P nagu Prevage. Kuidas saada perfektse ja puhanud ilmega näonahk, mis jätab mulje justkui oleksid tulnud päikeseliselt paradiisisaarelt puhkuselt?
Välimuse juures on sageli võtmeküsimus - mis muudaks meie ilme värsemaks? Kas uut tooni huulepulk? Riided, mis annavad näole värvi? Või kingib loodetud värskuse hoopis uus juukselõikus? Tõde on see, et kui näen puhanud välja, siis ei teki mul peeglisse vaadates kordagi küsimust - kuidas võiksin parem välja näha ja mida enda juures muuta? Lisaks normaalsele uneajale ja tervislikule elustiilile on üks puhanud ilme retsept, kui leiad endale toote, mis nahka korralikult toidab ja trimmib.
Elizabeth Ardenil on juba 15 aastat olnud turul kultuslik seerum Prevage. 15 aasta jooksul on seerum võitnud 220 iluauhinda ja kordades rohkem naiste südameid. Nüüd on Prevage võtnud uue ja veelgi võimsama kursi - seerumit on täiendatud kümne koostisainega, mis vähendavad märgatavalt vananemisilminguid ja aitavad nahka kaitsta keskkondlike kahjustuste eest.
Mis on need kümme uut koostisosa, mida uue sisuga Prevage`ist leiame? Keskkondlike tegurite eest kaitsevad nahka C-vitamiin ja E-vitamiin, nähtavaid vananemisilminguid vähendavad peptiidide segu, ingveriekstrakt THPE, hibiskiseemned ja muskaatsalvei. Noorusliku sära kingivad pojengiõieekstrakt, lespedeetsa lille ekstrakt ja India kaneelipuu lille ekstrakt. Uue Prevage`i lubadused meie näonahale on suured: pinguldab ja suurendab elastsust, ühtlustab nahatooni ja tekstuuri, vähendab tumedaid laike ja annab sära, muudab poorid väiksemaks ja annab puhtama jume, vähendab peeneid kortsukesi ning kortse.
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