Theme parties aren't usually my thing. But it's quite a clever trick by the host to figure out a theme that leaves the guests wondering, but also gives them quite a lot of freedom. So I was pleasantly surprised when one private party had the theme 'This is me'.
It provided a fun moment of introspection - who am I and what do the clothes I wear say about me? Eventually I decide to wear a summery jumpsuit on a cold winter day. Lately, green shades have taken a pretty important role in my wardrobe, so I picked this in particular. I wore a warm green faux fur coat on my shoulders and that's how the party went. Of course, some of the guests had approached the 'This is me' theme a lot more playfully - one person came as Elvis Presley and one had dressed up as a fox instead.
But me... I like wearing bright prints in the winter that remind me that the warm summer winds are waiting somewhere around the corner. And as much as I love a snowy winter, I'm equally waiting for the summer day when I'm wearing a light dress, trainers to ride my scooter to the shop to get some ice cream.
Oh yes, coming back to the theme party - I wore just one earring because I'd lost the other one. What can I say - this is me. What have been your most memorable theme parties?
It provided a fun moment of introspection - who am I and what do the clothes I wear say about me? Eventually I decide to wear a summery jumpsuit on a cold winter day. Lately, green shades have taken a pretty important role in my wardrobe, so I picked this in particular. I wore a warm green faux fur coat on my shoulders and that's how the party went. Of course, some of the guests had approached the 'This is me' theme a lot more playfully - one person came as Elvis Presley and one had dressed up as a fox instead.
But me... I like wearing bright prints in the winter that remind me that the warm summer winds are waiting somewhere around the corner. And as much as I love a snowy winter, I'm equally waiting for the summer day when I'm wearing a light dress, trainers to ride my scooter to the shop to get some ice cream.
Oh yes, coming back to the theme party - I wore just one earring because I'd lost the other one. What can I say - this is me. What have been your most memorable theme parties?
Outfit details:
Faux fur: Mango
Jumpsuit: Issa London
Shoes: Zara
Clutch: Therapy
Silk scarf: Echo
Nailpolish: Londontown "Poppy Peach"
Silk scarf: Echo
Nailpolish: Londontown "Poppy Peach"
Teemapoed ei ole enamasti minu teema. Kuid üsna kaval nipp on võõrustajal mõelda välja selline teema, mis jätab külalistele ühtaegu mõtteainet ja samas üsna vabad käed. Seega olin meeldivalt üllatunud, kui ühe hoogsa erapeo teemaks oli „See olengi mina”.
See andis lõbusa sisekaemuse hetke – kes ma siis olen ja mida kõnelevad minust riideid, mida kannan? Lõpuks otsustasin külmal talveilmal kanda hoopis suvist jumsuiti. Viimasel ajal on erinevad rohelised toonid minu gareroobis (ja südames) üsna suure koha võitnud ja nii otsisin kapist just selle välja. Õlgadel kandsin sooja rohelist kasukat ja nii see pidu möödus. Muidugi olid osad külalised teemale „See olengi mina!” palju mängulisemalt lähenenud - üks tuli kohale Elvis Presleyna ja teine kandis seljas sootuks rebase-kostüümi.
Aga mina ... Mulle meeldib kanda talvel erksaid printe, mis tuletavad meelde, et soojad suvetuuled on kuskil ootamas. Ja ükskõik kui palju ma ei armasta suure lumega talve, siis samavõrd ootan ma juba seda suvepäeva, kui sätin kerge kleidi selga, tõmban tossud ja ning sõidan tõukerattaga poodi jäätist tooma.
Ah jaa. Kui tulla tagasi teemapeo juurde, siis kõrva panin vaid ühe kõrvarõnga, sest teise olin ära kaotanud. Mis ka oskan kosta – see olengi mina. Millised on olnud sinu kõige meeldejäävamad teemapeod?
Photo: Kristi Kullerkupp
Väga toreda teemaga pidu! Ja mulle meeldib ka kanda talvel värvilisi suvekleite, kampsun peale ja läksime :)
ReplyDeleteMa kandsin just täna värvilisi pükse ja kampsun peal. Vanemad käisid minu juures lõunal ja siis ma äkki märkasin, et isa vaatab mu pükse mõtlikult. Ma siis hüüdsin: "Need on moes. See pole pidžaama!" Väga armas seik oli.