Saturday, May 26, 2018

Girl Friday: When in doubt, wear red

When in doubt, wear red. Bill Blass wasn’t mistaken when he kindly recommended doing that. Red lace is my cup of tea. There is a lot of romanticism in it and when the wind decides to tango with the hem of the skirt, it puts a smile on the face.

Estonia has had a heat wave for some time now and it makes everyone more kind. Some people even smile at one another in the street. Others walk around in a happy haze as if they’d just won the lottery. I feel the same. I was at the introduction of the Minus 417 product line when I decided that modest dresses can wait. I will dress myself as if I was going to a party. Evenings still get cold here, so it’s worthy grabbing something warmer along as well. I am wearing a chic white leather jacket that’s a good addition to the red dress. By the way, I unfortunately have to sell this ISSA London drsss, because I ordered a size too big... How many of my readers here would like a “Shop My Wardrobe” section?

Outfit details:

Earrings: The Pink Piglet
Jacket: Sandra Angelozzi
Dress: ISSA London
Shoes: Paris Hilton
Bag: Christian Dior 

Kui kahtled, kanna punast. Bill Blass ei eksinud ühegi sõnaga, kui ta meile seda lahkelt soovitas. Punane pits on omakorda minu tassike teed. Selles on palju romantikat ja kui tuul kleidisabas tango üles võtab, toob see muige huulele.

Eestis on juba mõnda aega kuumalaine ja see teeb meid kõiki lahkemaks. Täitsa uskumatu lugu, kuid osad inimesed isegi naeratavad tänaval teineteisele. Teised kõnnivad ringi õnneuimas, justkui oleks lotoga peavõidu saanud. Ma ise tunnen sama. Ja nii otsustasingi ühel päeval, kui käisin Minus 417 tooteliini esitlusel, et kõik tagasihoidlikud kleidid võivad oodata. Mina panen end sel korral riidesse nii pidelikult nagu läheks hoogsalt peole. Õhtud lähevad meil aga jätkuvalt jahedaks ja nii tuleb end alati mõne soojema jakiga varuda. Mul on seljas šikk valge nahktagi, mis on sellele punasele kleidile eriti hoogne kaaslane. Muide, selle ISSA London kleidi peaks kahjuks ikkagi maha müüma, sest tellisin netist endale number suurema kleidi... Kui palju minu lugejate seas leidub neid, kellele meeldiks rubriik: Shop My Wardrobe?

PHOTOS: Meisi Volt


  1. Hello
    I really love this red inspiration look!
    The lipstick realy combinate with your dress!
    Beautiful photos!
    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Ma JUMALDAN punast! Ja see kleit, oh my! 😍


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