What is ‘Me Time’? It is the time that you just claim for yourself to do anything you wish with it. However, how often can we afford to make time for ourselves? Me Time tends to slip away. It isn't even like sand slipping through your fingers -- at least we would feel sand for a moment! No, most often we fail to sense or see it as each day of our lives is making its own demands on us. A day flies by unnoticed and suddenly the night surrounds us. And we're left wondering where did all the time go that was supposed to be just for my own use or Me Time?
For the time being and for a quite some time by now, I have been living in the Me Time period, in a tranquil balance and at peace with myself and my loved ones. My perfect day is a day I have no scheduled appointments. And my Me Time can pan out to be fairly different. Sometimes it means waking up at noon. Sometimes it means fasting from the news. Sometimes it is a day when I bake and clean, my favourite film playing in the background for a hundredth time, making me feel ineffably good. Sometimes it means reading magazines in front of the fireplace. Sometimes it is – ahem --losing myself in browsing of online stores. Sometimes it stands for rearranging the furniture and fixtures. And then there are times it can mean giving a wall a new coat of paint.
Indeed… For the past couple of years, I have chosen to indulge myself in the greatest luxury imaginable: moseying on in my very own bubble. This illustrious Me Time, longed-for by many, has become my way of life. This way of life has its own set of rituals. And for me, Me Time also contains another alternative – tea time or time for tea. How many times I have written about my love for tea! Usually, upon arriving at someone’s house, I tend to ask “May I have a cup of tea?”A greeting "Shall I put a kettle on?" sounds like music to my ears. And I love iced tea equally! I need to have some of it in my arm’s reach at all times.
When reflecting on Teatime and Me time, I envision a girl getting ready for a party she secretly abhors -- with all its meaningless small talk and evening-long inner craving for being left alone. Yet she bravely finishes doing her hair, puts on a chic dress, adorns herself with pearls, and decides on a pair of shoes. And just before she is about to walk out the door, she halts, goes and opens a chilled bottle of Fuze Tea, and -- after just a sip from the bottle -- the time stands still. Does she really have to set off again? And looking at her large bed, she feels it beckoning her as the best place for her for this evening. All else may wait. Parties. Receptions. Proms. However, the time for herself – it cannot wait, it never should! Thus, she stays in. She throws herself on the bed, accompanied by Fuze Tea, the snow covered vastness outside her windows. The whole evening belongs to her now. Yet, something is still missing... She puts on a vinyl and goes for ‘Spend the Day in Bed’ by Morrissey.
Mis on Me Time? See on aeg, mille sa võtad endale ja teed, mida hing ihaldab. Kuid, kui tihti me ikkagi endale seda päris oma aega saame kinkida? Me Time kipub käest libisema. See pole isegi liiv, mida hetkeks oma sõrmede vahel tunneme... Ei, me tihti ei tunnegi ega näegi seda, sest iga päev nõuab oma. Päev kappab penikoormasaabastel õhtusse ja siis... Siis me mõtleme, kuhu jäi see aeg, mis pidi olema vaid minu aeg ehk Me Time?
Mina olen pikemat aega elanud Me Time perioodis, vaikses rahus iseenda ja oma lähedastega. Minu jaoks on ideaalne päev selline, kus pole ühtegi kohustuslikku kohtumist. Me Time on minu jaoks väga erinev. Vahel on see ärkamine alles keskpäeval. Vahel on see paast uudistest. Vahel on see päev, kus küpsetan ja koristan, taustaks mängimas sajandat korda lemmikfilm, mis tekitab minus selle ületamata heaolu. Vahel on see suure kamina ees ajakirjade lugemine. Vahel on see ... Khm... Täiesti ennastunustavalt netipoodides surfamine. Vahel on see toa ümber tõstmine. Vahel aga hoopis seina värvimine.
Jaa ... Juba paar aastat olen valinud oma kaaslaseks suurima luksuse – kulgemise omaenda mullis. See kuulus Me Time, millest paljud kõnelevad, on saanud minu elustiiliks. See on elustiil oma rituaalidega. Me Time tähendab minu jaoks veel midagi - teatime. Kui palju kordi olen ma kirjutanud oma armastusest tee vastu! Tavaliselt, kui külla lähen, küsin alati: "Kas saaksin tassikese teed?" Samavõrd armastan ma külma teed, mis peab alati mul käeulatuses olema.
Teatime ja Me Time meenutavad mulle tüdrukut, keda ootab pidu, pealiskaudsed vestlused ja õhtu täis igatsust omaenda aja järgi. Ta seab vapralt valmis oma soengu, paneb selga šiki kleidi, ehib end pärlitega ja valib välja kingad. Enne kodust lahkumist avab ta külma Fuze Tea ja ühe kerge lonksuga jääb aeg justkui seisma. Kas tõesti peab ta jälle minema? Vaadates oma laia voodit, tunneb ta, et sel õhtul on just see tema jaoks parim paik. Kõik võib oodata. Peod. Vastuvõtud. Ballid. Kuid aeg iseendale – see on miski, mis ei tohi kunagi oodata. Nii jääb ta koju. Heidab kokteilikleidis voodisse, kaaslaseks Fuze Tea ja aknast paistvad lumeväljad. Terve õhtu on tema oma. Tema päralt. Kuid midagi on puudu... Ta paneb vinüülplaadi mängima ja valib Morrissey loo „Spend the Day in Bed”.
Ahhh... Ilus, lihtsalt ILUS..!!!