Instagram is one app in a million. It gives people a job and in many positions it’s your business card. I remember when I was in London for a training and I introduced myself as a blogger and people categorised me as just another blogger automatically. One woman asked for my Instagram username and when the training continued the next day, I wasn't just another blogger any more.
My Instagram had been worked through and it got praised for collaborations with A-list brands, the photos and styling got extra attention. It must have been three years ago. That's when I realised that as a blogger, my CV is my Instagram feed, it's part of my job - I've never thought of Instagram like this. And yet, sharing my life on Instagram gives me mixed feelings - even though you can control every step and image that you upload, I sometimes sigh and ask myself why. I would like to get off the wagon sometimes. The good thing is that nobody is stopping me from doing that. But still there are those funny moments we realise we're spending too much on our smart devices.
In the beginning of the week, I was browsing a magazine and I saw a small photo. All of a sudden I wanted to zoom in with my fingers until I realised it was ... just a magazine. Those are the moments I feel I have spent too much time scrolling my smart device and Instagram. But it's part of my job. I also manage the Instagram accounts of some brands, I create their content, so I have to spend more time on Instagram than usual. But when my tedium recedes, I'm happy to share my life again. The most important thing is to remind yourself that it's only an app at the end of the day.
By the way, my most watched Insta Story last year wasn't from an event or a glamorous photo series. It was riding downhill on my scooter and I showed people a bit of the sky and nature. Going around on my scooter is something I love perhaps the most and I guess it means that when you share something that gives you a lot of joy, your passion will be noticed and the bliss becomes contagious. Those images were taken for the fashion pages of PULSS magazine where the topic was also Instagram. The selfie that I took in that picture can be seen in 24h in my Instastory @stellaarium. What kind of emotions does Instagram trigger in you and have you done smart device detoxes?
Outfit details:
Fur, T-shirt & trousers: LaFamiglia Couture
Shoes: Palladium
Bag: Bogabag (here)
Instagram on üks äpp miljonite seast. See annab inimestele tööd ja täna on ta paljudes ametites sinu visiitkaart. Mäletan, kui käisin Londonis ühel koolitusel ja tutvustasin end kui blogijat, olin automaatselt teiste silmis lihtsalt kui üks järjekordne blogija. Üks naine küsis seltskonnast mu Instagrami kasutaja nime ja kui järgmine päev koolitus jätkus, polnud ma lihtsalt järjekordne blogija.
Minu Instagram oli risti ja põiki läbi vaadatud ning sai kiita: alates koostöödest A-listi brändidega, erilist tähelepanu said ka fotod ja stilistika. See oli vist kolm aastat tagasi. Just siis mõistsin, et minu, kui blogija CV ongi minu Instagram, see on osa minu tööst - mitte iialgi varem polnud ma Instagramist selliselt mõelnud. Ometi tekitab Instagramis oma elu jagamine minus jätkuvalt segaseid tundeid: kuigi saan enamasti kontrollida iga sammu ja pilti, mida Instagrammi panen, ohkan vahel sügavalt sisse ja küsin endalt: "Miks?" Hoolimata, et ma tean vastust, tahaksin aegajalt rongilt maha astuda. Hea uudis on see, et mitte keegi ei keela mul seda tegemast.
Kuid siiski leiab naljakaid momente, mis näitavad, et veedame nutiseadmes liiga palju aega.
Nädala alguses lehitsesin ajakirja ja vaatasin üht väikest fotot, äkitselt tahtsin selle sõrmega suuremaks tõmmata, kuniks sain aru, et tegemist on siiski ... vaid ajakirjaga. Nendel hetkedel tundub mulle, et olen oma nutiseadmetes ja Instagramis liiga kaua istunud. Paraku on see oma minu tööst. Ma haldan erinevate firmade Instagrami kontosid ja loon nendele sisu, seega pean Instagramis tavapärasest kauem tööd tegema. Kuid kui minu tüdimus saab omaenda tegemiste jagamisest saab otsa, siis jagan oma elu taas rõõmuga. Kõige tähtsam on aga endale meelde tuletada, et see on lõpuks lihtsalt üks äpp.
Muide, minu möödunud aasta kõige vaadatum InstaStoori polnud sugugi mõnest uhkest üritusest või glamuursest pildiseeriast. See oli tõukerattal sõit mäest alla, kus näitasin inimestele killukest taevast ja loodust. Tõukeratta sõit on midagi, mida ma armastan kõige enam ehk küllap tähendab see, et jagades seda, mis meile sügavat rõõmu valmistab, märgatakse meie kirge ja see rõõm nakatab ka teisi. Need kaadrid on tehtud ajakirja PULSS moekülgede jaoks, kus ühes pildiallkirjas oli teemaks ka Instagram. Selfie, mille seda pildiseeriat tehes tegin, leiad 24 h jookul minu Instastoorist @stellaarium Milliseid tundeid tekitab sinus Instagram ja kas oled teinud ka nutiseadmete detoxeid?
PHOTOS: Meisi Volt
Ma ei ole vist kunagi seda kommenteerinud, et sinu postituste pealkirjad võistlevad su lugude ja Meisi piltidega väga tugevalt. Väga kirjanduslikud, vahel kelmikad ja alati panevad mõtlema. Instagramist nii palju, et Sa täidad seda hästi, ära väsi!
ReplyDeleteThere was a time when social networks became a kind of obsession with young and old people. Children are playing less and less and staying out in the air, holding it increasingly and not dropping out of the hands of mobile phones. One who is tied to a business on a social network who earns this way is okay for me. You're not a regular blogger, you're the first of all an intelligent, creative and fashion-conscious woman who has merged a comfortable and useful business with social networks. And whoever keeps track of you and reads your blog, you know that you are a great man. And to not forget to say this combination above is a good, excellent, casual variant and is conducive to many opportunities. All I have is a super bag and a sneaker and a jacket, but this hairstyle is cool to me. :)