Thursday, December 7, 2017

Peek Inside: John Frieda Luxurious Volume Core Restore

It's probably no surprise that a woman's mind... can change. You don't need to look far for examples - I'm into curls, straight hair, and lately I've been wearing my hair up in a comfy bun. The only problem is that when I wake up in the morning, I have no idea which hairdo I'm going to face the day's challenges with.

Usually, I quickly wash my hair, dry it with ten minutes, then I put my hair up in a bun and get on with the everyday chores. Some time ago I was at a spa with a friend and when we were drying our hair, I noticed that she got nice and full hair in a fairly short time. I put my not bouncy hair in a bun and asked her immediately what kind of a magic product she used. Turns out she had received a John Frieda product sample with a volume shampoo, conditioner, and root lifter. It's John Frieda's new series Luxurious Volume Core Restore. To be honest, I've never really believed in products that give volume. It's always seemed like some sort of a marketing trick to me, but when my friend's hair turned into a full and bouncy mane before my eyes, I had to change my mind and chuck the prejudice away.

Luxurious Volume series is a unique hair care regimen that's developed specially for thin hair to look more full. The products will make thin limp hair more manageable and give them volume. Got an idea? Make it happen. So I provided myself with this volume trio as well. The first step is Luxurious Volume Core Restore Touchably Full shampoo and after that, it's time for the gel-like conditioner. While you keep the conditioner in your hair, the product gives your hair particles that add volume. When you've rinsed out the conditioner and your hair is towel dry, it's time to add Volume Blow Dry Lotion Root Booster to the whole length of your hair. Start with hair roots and then continue to the full length. 

The show starts when you dry your hair upside down, because the heat from the hair dryer is what activates the effect. Even though the product line is recommended for thin hair, I got my thick hair even more grand and when I put my hair up in a bun, the overall effect was great. I had one worry - I was wondering whether Volume Blow Dry Lotion Root Booster would leave my hair too heavy somehow, but it was as if a hairdresser had done a good job on my hair. So you get a lazy chic salon finish with the John Frieda new volume line also at home. Who has already tried these products?

Ilmselt pole mitte kellelgi kahtlust, et naise meel... see on... muutlik! Näiteid ei pea kaugelt otsima. Mulle meeldivad vallatud lokid, sirged juuksed ja viimasel ajal üha enam kannan hoopis juukseid mugava krunnina. Probleem on vaid selles, et hommikul ärgates pole mul aimugi, millise soenguga väljakutsetele vastu purjetada.

Enamasti pesen kiiresti pea, föönitan, keeran juuksed juba krunni ja siis neelab mind juba argipäev. Mõni aeg tagasi käisin sõbrannaga SPA-s ja kõrvuti juukseid kuivatades, märkasin, et ta sai suhteliselt kiire tulemusega eriti kohevad juuksed. Keerasin oma ludus juuksed krunni ja küsisin kohe, mis imetoote ta pähe pani? Ilmnes, et ta oli saanud John Frieda tootenäidise, kus on kohevust andev šampoon, palsam ja  juuksejuuri tõstev komplekt. Tegemist on John Frieda uue sarjaga, mis kannab nime "Luxurious Volume Core Restore". Kui tõele au anda, ei ole mina mitte iial kohevust andvatesse toodetesse uskunud. See on mulle alati mingi magusa müügijutuna tundunud, kuid kui mu sõbranna juuksed minu enda silme all kohevaks lõvilakaks muutusid, olin sunnitud meelt muutma ja eelarvamused selle sama SPA prügikasti pistma. Tegelikult ongi oma silm kuningas (antud kontekstis vist küll kuninganna) ja sõbranna soovitus loeb rohkem kui järjekordne reklaamijutt.

Lugesin nende lehelt, et Luxurious Volume Core Restore tootesari on ainulaadne juuksehooldusrežiim, mis on spetsiaalselt välja töötatud õhukestele juustele, et nood näiksid kohevamad. Toodete koostised muudavad õhukesed, peadligi juuksed paremini vormitavateks ja kohevateks.  Mõeldud, tehtud. Seega soetasin endale samuti selle kohevust kinkiva kolmiku. Esmalt läheb käiku Luxurious Volume Touchably Full šampoon ja seejärel geeljas palsam. Ajal, kui palsamit juustes hoiad, kannab toode juustesse kohevust andvaid osakesi. Kui palsam on välja loputatud ja juuksed rätikukuivad, tuleb lõppakordina täies pikkuses juustesse kanda Volume Blow Dry Lotion Root Booster. Alustada ikka kergelt juustejuurtest ja seejärel kanda väike kogus kogu juustele. 

Show algab siis, kui asud juukseid pea alaspidi föönitama, sest efekt tuleb just kuuma fööni kasutades. Kuigi tootesarja soovitatakse õhukestele juustele, siis mina sain oma paksud juuksed veelgi suuremaks ja kui nad uhkelt krunni keerasin, jäid ka ülejäänud juuksed erakordselt efektsed. Üks hirm mul oli - nimelt mõtlesin, kas Volume Blow Dry Lotion Root Booster ei jäta juukseid kuidagi raskeks, kuid pigem oleks nad justkui juuksuri hoolitseva käega uhkeks sätitud. Seega saab John Frieda sarjaga elegantselt lohaka salongi tulemuse ka kodus. Kes on neid tooteid juba katsetanud? Kuidas sina oma juustele kohevuse garanteerid?   

PHOTOS: Stella K. Wadowsky


  1. Olen kasutanud John Frieda blow-out spray`d. Super toode! Mul on muidu õhukesed juuksed, mis hoiavad peadligi, aga selle tootega on juuksejuured tõstetud ning juuksed kohevad.

  2. I've heard about these products before, they are very appreciated. I didn't have the chance to try them yet.


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