It's less than a month until Christmas. There are those who leave Christmas presents to the very last minute, but also those who buy the surprises early. I tend to buy Christmas presents rather early, but if I haven't found the right one, I leave some things to the last week. I don't like making presents just for making presents, for ticking a box and not really caring about what the recipient would do with the thing after.
Our family's Christmas presents period starts already on 1 December when my daughter sets her slipper on the window. Since elves didn't come visit me in my childhood, I feel a very special kind of excitement. To be honest, I can't wait for December to arrive - to be an elf - as a parent, it's a lovely profession to have. A few years ago I bought my kid a big bag of doll furniture and hid it in a traditional place - on the top shelf of the kitchen cupboard. I hadn't taken into account that my daughter had grown meanwhile and just before 1 December, she found the bag of doll furniture, came to me and happily asked "Mum, is this for me?". There wasn't much more left for me to do than give her the things in the elf stock earlier, and I had to go back to square one with finding presents - can't say I was too thrilled about that.
This year I managed to find some presents exceptionally early. I wasn't even looking for presents, the right things just somehow crossed my path and hence I bought the first things already in October. And immediately I had to figure out where to hide them this time. Here are my new hiding spots.
1. Since I have quite a lot of handbags, I decided to hide smaller things in handbags. Nobody is going to go through an empty handbag. If you have even one bag that's lying empty in the closet, it's worth hiding some of the family's presents there. Nobody is going to come to the idea to go through an empty bag. Because an empty bag is usually empty. Hiding presents in handbags has worked for me for a few years - I recommend trying it out!
2. Many shoes of mine are stored in boxes. So I put some small toys into my shoe boxes which are quite high up in the cupboard. I used to hide things in wellies. I happen to love lemonade, but I don't drink it that often. I have to have a few bottles of lemonade in store at home. But it also happens that when the family knows where we have lemonade at home, it will be immediately gone. So I once hid an unopened bottle of Coca-Cola in wellies. It so happened that my daughter found them in the summer and called me in the wardrobe: "Mum, look how much soda! Elves have visited you in the summer!" After that I decided that a shoe box high up on top of a cupboard is a safer bet than wellies standing on the floor.
3. The bigger the present, the bigger the headache. No worries though - every present will be expertly hidden! One small room in our flat works as a storage room and everything we don't currently need, finds its way there. I am treading the day that place needs to be tidied. But the room comes in handy before Christmas. One present I got my daughter is pretty big - something you won't be able to fit into a shoe box or handbag. My husband got a good idea - he put it in a black bin bag, tied a knot on it, wrote 'old bath robes' on it and took it into the storage room. Now we have to be careful not to take the 'old bath robes' into the bin or recycling, of course.
4. Last year I did an experiment that was super fun for me. My daughter has a drawer where she throws stuff she doesn't currently need (a miniature storage room), but that she doesn't want to give up either. So I put a pack of new felt tip pens and some pretty notebooks in her own drawer, underneath all the stuff she doesn't currently need. It was very amusing that some of her presents were hiding in her own room. And she didn't find them! So it's quite fun to hide the presents in the person's room that they're meant for - it's unlikely they'll decide to look for the presents there.
The most important thing is to remember where you've hidden the presents, because otherwise you can end up like me last summer. I found a book in my bedside drawer that I had meant to give my daughter for Christmas. In the Christmas business I'd completely forgotten about the books. So she got it for her birthday instead, so all good in the end. Where do you hide the presents for your close ones?
Vähem kui kuu aja pärast on jõulud. Leidub neid, kes jätavad jõulukingid viimasele minutule, kui ka neid, kes ostavad üllatused varakult valmis. Ma ise ostan kingitused üsna aegsasti, kuid kui ma seda ainsat ja õiget kinki pole leidnud, jätan mõne asja pigem viimasele nädalale. Mulle ei meeldi teha kingitusi kingituse pärast. Umbes nii, et linnuke kirjas - pole minu mure, mida kingisaaja sellega hiljem peale hakkab.
Meie pere päkapikuralli algab juba 1.detsembril, kui mu tütar tähtsa näoga oma sussi aknale sätib. Kuna mul endal lapsepõlves päkapikud ei käinud, tunnen juba pikalt mingit erakordset elevust. Kui aus olla, ei jõua ma ära oodata, millal 1.detsember kätte jõuab - olla päkapikk - see on lapsevanemana ikka üks ütlemata vahva amet. Paar aastat tagasi ostsin juba oktoobris oma lapsele suure kilekoti nukumööblit ning peitsin selle traditsioonilisse kohta - köögikapi kõrgele riiulile. Ma polnud arvestanud, et tütar oli vahepeal pikkust visanud ja vahetult enne detsembri algust leidis ta koti nukumööbliga, laekus õnnelikult minu juurde ja küsis: "Emme, kas need on mulle?" Mul ei jäänud muud üle, kui päkapikuvarud talle varem üle anda ja endal tuju nullist kinkide kogumisega nullist alustada.
Sel aastal õnnestus mul osad jõulukingid iseäranis varakult leida. Ma ei otsinudki kinke, õiged asjad lihtsalt sattusid kuidagi ise minu teele ja nii ostsin esimesed asjad juba oktoobris ära. Ja otsemaid pidin välja nuputama, kuhu sel korral kingid peita? Siin on minu uued peidukohad, mida jagan ka sinuga.
1. Kuna mul on päris palju käekotte, otsustasin väiksemad kingitused susata garderoobis seisvatesse käekottidesse. Mitte keegi ei hakka tühjas kotis sorima. Kui sul on kasvõi üks kott, mis seisab kapis tühjalt, tasub sinna osad perekonna kingivarud ära peita. Keegi ei tule selle peale, et tühjas kotis sorada, seda tühi kott on ju reeglina tühi. Loogiline! Minul on kingituste käekottidesse peitmine juba paar aastat töötanud. Soovitan soojalt!
2. Paljud kingad seisavad mul samuti karpides. Seega panin osad pisikesed mänguasjad peitu oma kingakarpidesse, mis asuvad omakorda üsna kõrgel kapis. Varem peitsin asju ka kummikutesse. Nimelt armastan pööraselt limonaadi, kuid joon seda siiski üsna harva. Kui paar limonaadi lihtsalt peab mul kodus varuks olema. Samas on kord juba nii, et kui terve perekond teab, et meil kodus limonaad asub, juuakse see hoobilt ära. Nii peitsin kord avamata Coca-Cola pudelid oma kummikutesse. Paraku sattus tütar suvel nendele peale ja kutsus mind garerdoobi: "Emme, vaata, kui palju limonaadi! Sul on suvel päkapikud käinud!" Pärast seda otsustain, et kõrgel kapi otsas olev kingakarp on kindlam, kui põrandal reas seisvad kummikud.
3. Mida suurem kink, seda suurem peavalu. Kuid pole hullu - iga üllatus saab hoolikalt peidetud! Üks väike tuba meie korteris on nö. kolikamber, kuhu lendab kõik see, mida parasjagu vaja pole. Oeh... Mõtlen õudusega, et kunagi tuleb see kenasti korda teha. Kuid jõulude eel on sellisest ruumist täitsa kasu. Üks kink, mille tütrele ostsin, on üsna suur - selline mida kingakarpi või käekotti juba naljalt ei peida. Mu abikaasal tuli aga hea idee - ta pistis selle musta prügikotti, sidus pealt kinni, kirjutas peale: "Vanad hommikumantlid" ja viis kolikambrisse. Nüüd tuleb muidugi silma peal hoida, et keegi "vanu hommikumantleid" hajameelselt prügikasti või taaskasutusse ei vii.
4. Eelmisel aastal tegin enda jaoks pööraselt lõbusa eksperimendi. Nimelt on mu tütrel üks sahtel, kuhu ta viskab asjad (selline miniatuurne kolikamber), mida ta parasjagu ei vaja, kuid millest ei raatsi ka loobuda. Nii asetasin paki uusi vildikaid ja mõned ilusad märkmikud tema enda sahtlisse kogu selle pahna alla, mida ta parasjagu ei vaja. Mulle tegi lausa nalja, et tema enda kingitused olid peidetud tema tuppa. Ja ta ei leidnudki neid! Seega on minu meelest üsna lustlik peita kingisaaja kingid tema enda tuppa, sest vaevalt otsustab keegi omaenda kinke oma toast otsida.
Kõige olulisem on aga pidada meeles, kuhu jõulukingid on peidetud, sest muidu võib juhtuda nii nagu minuga sel suvel. Nimelt leidsin oma öökapi sahtlist toreda raamatu, mille plaanisin tütrele jõuludeks kinkida. Olin jõulude saginas raamatud aga täiesti unustanud. Nii sai ta selle hoopis sünnipäevaks. Lõpp hea, kõik hea. Kuhu sina oma lähedaste kingid peidad?