Every season has its own perks. If in the summer I like cooking food that I have bought from the market, then autumn brings the longing for restaurants. The Able Butcher restaurant in Hilton Park Tallinn hotel invited me to get acquainted with their new menu. Are you ready? Here are my recommendations that also come as photos. By the way, not a good idea to read this when you're hungry!
I have my own relationship with starters - I sometimes pick two starters instead of a main, or get an interesting starter instead of a dessert. When you go to a restaurant with someone else, it's always interesting to pick different starters and then share them. This time I have to admit that my husband's choice was an immaculate delicacy - the beetroot salad stole the show in the starter category. Orange, parsley, pumpkin seeds and wonderful feta cheese accompanied the beetroot. If The Able Butcher sold that melt-in-the-mouth feta to go, I would surely be first in the line, and definitely not the last one. The beetroot salad is exactly the right size for a starter and it's enough for the curious companion to have a taste as well. In fact we swapped our starters this time, because I'm a real fan of that feta. My starter was a traditional selection of local cold cuts with cheese spread, pickles, and home made bread. It's also perfect for those who want to share starters. So the meat platter was for sharing at our table and the maximum points go to the pickled cucumber.
When choosing the main, I never take too long - lamb is always my number one. There was a period in my life when I would collect flavour experiences during my travels from different ways lamb is cooked and served in different restaurants. Although the burgers at The Able Butcher are famous, I still picked the New Zealand rack of lamb and I can say that it will be the jackpot for everyone who loves lamb. Indeed, the 270 g piece is very large - if two ladies with an average appetite go to a restaurant, the lamb could also be shared. I had the lamb done medium, but this time, the medium was too pink, so I recommend getting the medium well option if you like your meat almost cooked through. I decided to get grilled prawns on top of the lamp. Those two matched perfectly - total opposites that formed a perfect harmony on the plate.

We picked tomato as one of the sides - I was imagining nicely cooked cherry tomatoes and how their full flavour will linger for a while. Unfortunately what arrived at the table was a half-cooked large tomato that doesn't get the full points. The tomato could have easily stayed on the grill for a bit longer. But, the second side dish ratatouille was spot on. I remembered the animation named Ratatouille and the master chef rat Remy who made the most wonderful ratatouille in the world. These kinds of associations are always lovely, especially when you're convinced the recipe from the animation is probably also at The Able Butcher. The second main dish we ordered was Black Angus Beef Greater Omaha filet mignon with grilled prawns as the side again. As with the lamb, they were good also with the beef.
When it was time to order dessert, I noticed the huge macron with peanut butter. It was a moment I immediately thought about my daughter - a little ravenous girl who eats a whole package of cookies and complains a minute later that she is craving something sweet. If you want to surprise your kid or if you're a kid enough yourself, the huge macron is made for you. By he way, it's smaller in the photo than it was on the plate. The second dessert that found its way to our table was the sea-buckthorn cream. It looks as if it's served on a huge vinyl, the photo proves that it's one of the most photogenic foods in the whole of Tallinn. It was a perfect bite for me as it was just enough. You get to ease the sweet tooth, and a crunchy crown is given to the dessert by little pieces of meringue on top.
And to finish this post, a story about how much a woman's mind can change. I was at the hairdresser's recently and I was asked whether I would like black or rooibos tea. I replied that I never drink rooibos tea... But when we ordered our food, my husband picked the acerola rooibos tea to go with the dessert. It was this tea that gave the night a lovely finishing touch - a totally uniquely flavoured companion, the warm taste will remind us of the rainy autumn evening at The Able Butcher.

Igal aastaajal on omad rõõmud. Kui suvel meeldib mulle enamasti turult toodud toitu koduaias küpsetada, siis sügisel vaatan igatsevalt hoopis restoranide suunas. Hilton Park Tallinn restoran The Able Butcher kutsus mind nende uuenenud menüüga tutvuma. Oled sa valmis? Siin on minu valikud, mida soovitan ja jagan ka pildis. Muide, tühja kõhuga seda postitust lugeda ei tasu!
Eelroogadega on mul oma suhe - vahel valin põhiroa asemel kaks eelrooga või võtan desserdiks hoopis mõne põneva eelroa. Kui kahekesi restoranis käia, on alati huvitav valida erinevad eelroad ja neid ka jagada. Sel korral pean ütlema, et minu abikaasa valik osutus eriti suurepäraseks hõrgutiseks - eelroogade nimistus varastas show Peedisalat, kuhu oli oskuslikult lisatud apelsin, petersell, kõrvitsa seemned ja täiesti imeline feta juust. Kui The Able Butcher seda suus sulavat feta juustu kaasa müüks, siis oleksin mina järjekorras esimene ja kindlasti mitte viimane. Peedisalat on eelroana täpselt paras ja sealt jagub ka uudishimulikule lauakaaslasele, kes soovib ehk oma osa võtta. Tõsi, sel korral vahetasime eelroad ära, sest feta juust viis mul keele alla. Minu eelroag oli traditsiooniline valik kohalikke lihalõike, kuhu käis juurde juustuvõie, marineeritud kurk ja kodus valmistatud juuretisega leib. See on täiuslik valik ka nendele, kes soovivad eelrooga hoopis jagada. Seega läksid lihalõigud meie lauas jagamisele ja täispunktid kuuluvad marineeritud kurgile, mis lihale hea meki andis.
Praadi valides ei pea ma kunagi pikalt aru: lammas on minu jaoks alati number üks. Kunagi oli periood, kus kogusin reisidel just maitsemuljeid sellest, kuidas erinevad restoranid lammast küpsetasid ja serveerisid. Kuigi The Able Butcheri burgerid on kuulsad, siis valisin ikkagi Uus-Meremaa Lambakarree ja võin öelda, et see osutub kindlasti iga lambaliha sõbra jackpotiks. Tõsi, 270 grammine tükk on väga suur - kui kaks keskmise isuga daami restorani lähevad, sobib ka üks lambakarre jagamiseks. Küpsusastmeks valisin medium, kuid minu jaoks jäi medium sel korral liiga roosaks, seega soovitan neile, kes eelistavad peaaegu läbiküpsenud liha, valida hoopis medium well. Mina otsustain oma lambakarreele lisada veel grillitud krevetid. Need kaks sobisid omavahel väga hästi: täielikud vastandid, mis taldrikul moodustasid imelise harmoonia.

Üheks lisandiks võtsime tomati - ma kujutasin ette, kuidas minitomatid on mõnusalt küpsetatud ja nende tummine maitse saadab mind veel pikalt. Paraku saabus lauda poolküps suur tomat, mis täispunkte ei kogu. Tomat oleks võinud vabalt pisut veel grillil olla. Samas oli teine lisand ratatouille näol just see, mis viib keele alla. Mulle meenus multifilm "Ratatouille", kus tegutses meisterkokk rott, kes valmistas maailma kõige oivalisemat ratatouille`d. Sellised seosed on alati vahvad, eriti kui oled veendunud, et seesama multifilmi ratatouille retsept on ilmselt nüüd ka The Able Butcheris.
Teine põhiroog, mille tellisime, oli Black Angus veiseliha Greater Omaha välisfilee, kuhu tulid lisandina samuti hiidkrevetid. Nii nagu lambakarree puhul, sobisid krevetid samuti välisfileega.

Kui saabus aeg tellida magustoit, jäi mulle silma hiiglaslik makroon maapähklivõiga. Ja kui see lauda toodi, viis see mõtted otsemaid minu tütrele - väike ablas tüdruk, kes sööb ära paki küpsiseid ja kurdab viis minutit hiljem, et teda vaevab ikka suur magusaisu. Kui sa tahad oma lapsele üllatust valmistada, võid oled ise mõnusalt lapsemeelne, siis on hiigelmakroon sulle loodud. Muide, pildil on ta väiksem, kui taldrikul. Teine magustoit, mis meie lauda rändas, oli Astelpaju kreem. See serveeritakse minu silmis justkui suurel vinüülplaadil - foto tõestab, et tegemist on ühe kõige fotogeenilisema magustoiduga terves Tallinnas. Minu jaoks oli see täiuslik amps, mida on täpselt parasjagu. Samas saab magusaisu kenasti kustutatud ja krõmpsuva kroonina mõjusid magustoidul pikutavad besee tükid.
Ja selle postituse lõppu lugu sellest, kui muutlik on naise meel. Istusin hiljuti juuksuris ja minult küsiti, kas soovin musta või rooibosteed, vastasin, et ma ei joo iial rooibosteed... Sel korral kui magustoidu tellimuse tegime, valis mu abikaasa magusa kõrvale marjase Acerola Rooibos tee. Just see tee pani kogu õhtule mõnusa punkti: täiesti omalaadse maitsega kaaslane, mille soe maik jääb meenutama vihmast sügisõhtut The Able Butcheris. Aitäh meid võõrustamast!

FOTOD: Stella K. Wadowsky