Naturally, it's not a question of life and death, but yesterday when I saw the hair scissors in my bathroom drawer, I had to hold myself back to not cut myself a fringe again. I was just cleaning out old photos from my computer, and the times I had a fringe, started haunting me.
I still remember how one reader immediately wrote that I'm not the same person with a fringe as I was with curls. I was totally confused, but at the same time I'm slowly starting to understand what a person who is used to seeing you with curls on the blog all the time, must feel. I have written before as well that I was on the verge of fainting when one of my favourite bloggers cut her long red hair off and dyed them black. Then I understood my reader who was criticising my fringe. Nevertheless, I have had the temptation to cut my hair short, or get a fringe at least, for quite some time now... So I was being nostalgic in the bathroom with scissors in my hand... But there's always the trick with memories that we tend to forget the negative. And so I remembered the days when I woke up and my fringe was sticking up straight. I had to wash my hair every day and I had to constantly go to the hairdresser to cut the fringe. I like those absurd worries for a change, because every day, we face the big questions in life that we need to find answers for. So it's even entertaining to lament to my readers about my fringe troubles. But the question remains: should I cut a fringe? By the way - what's been the most fun worry you've had lately? Here are some images from 2015.
Loomulikult pole see elu ja surma küsimus, kuid märgates eile vannitoasahtlis oma juuksekääre pidin end kõvasti tagasi hoidma, et mitte uuesti tukk ette lõigata. Olin just koristamas arvutist vanu pilte ja siis hakkasid mind kummitama need ajad, kui kandsin oma kelmikat tukka.
Mul on siiani meeles, kuidas üks lugeja kirjutas mulle kohe esimese kommentaarina, et ma pole tukaga üldse see, kes ma olin lokkidega. Ma olin täiesti segaduses, kuid samas saan vaikselt aru, mida inimene, kes on harjunud sind blogist alati lokkidega leidma, tunneb. Ma olen ka varem kirjutanud, kuidas pidin minestama, kui üks mu lemmikblogija lõikas maha oma pikad punased juuksed ja värvis need hoopis mustaks. Siis ma mõistsin ka seda lugejat, kes minu tukka kritiseeris. Kuid paraku on mul pikemat aega kiusatus lõigata kas poisipea või siis vähemalt tukk...
Nii ma siis vannitoas nostalgitsesin, käärid käes... Kuid mälestustega on alati see trikiga lugu, et me unustame tihti negatiivse. Ja nii meenusid mulle päevad, mil ärkasin üles ja avastasin, et tukk oli püsti nagu kukehari. Juukseid tuli iga päev pesta ja tukka käisin pidevalt juuksuri juures lõikamas. Mulle nii meeldivad vahelduseks need täiesti absurdsed mured, sest igapäevaselt tuleb pidevalt seista silmitsi elu suurte küsimustega ja neile vastuseid otsida. Seega on lausa meelelahutuslik kurta lugejatele oma mure. Kuid küsimus jääb üles: kas ma peaksin siiski tuka ette lõikama? Ja muide - mis on viimasel ajal olnud sinu kõige lõbusam mure? Siin on mõned kaadrid aastast 2015.
PHOTOS: Meisi Volt