With red shoes, I'll always a remember a story my mother has told me once in a while. She was 8 at the time and went to the shop with her mother and she found a pair of beautiful red shoes. They didn't buy the shoes immediately but took some time to think about it. In the evening, she had a bad stomach ache, the ambulance came and it turned out it was her appendix.
The last thing my mother asked her parents when she was being taken away, was that she could have the red shoes. My mother remembers that one of the ambulance workers told her parents to go buy those red shoes. When my mother got back home after the operation, red shoes were waiting for her next to bed. She couldn't jump from joy because of the wound, but she cuddled the new shoes.
When I was writing this post, I called my mother who told me that every night she went to bed, she cleaned the shoes and put them next to her bed. When I got these red shoes recently and looked at this series later, I remembered my mother's story that touched me. This outfit reminds me of my mother in a lot of ways - when she was young, as well as today, she wears dresses and skirts with large flowers. She always has a pair of red shoes in her closet. It's almost like a tradition that started from childhood. I know that years from now I get emotional while reading this story... Have a sunny end of July, everyone!
Outfit details:
Shoes: L' Autre Chose Top: Perit Muuga Skirt: handmade
Photoshoot location: eforea SPA, Hilton Tallinn Park Hotel
Photoshoot location: eforea SPA, Hilton Tallinn Park Hotel
Punaste kingadega seostub mulle alati lugu, mida minu emakene on mulle ikka ja jälle rääkinud. Nimelt oli ta toona 8aastane ja käis oma emaga poes, kus leidis endale ilusad punased kingad. Paraku ei ostnud nad kingi kohe ära ja võtsid väikese järelemõtlemisaja. Õhtul hakkas mu emal aga suur kõhuvalu, kutsuti kiirabi ja selgus, et tal on pimesoolepõletik.
Viimane asi, mida mu ema oma vanematelt palus, kui ta kanderaamil ära viidi, oli see, et ta saaks endale oma punased kingad. Mu ema meenutab, et keegi kiirabibrigaadist pöördus veel ta vanemate poole ja ütles: "Ostke siis talle ikka need punased kingad!"
Kui ema pärast operatsiooni koju jõudis, ootasid teda voodi kõrval punased kingad. Ta ei saanud haava pärast rõõmust hüpata, kuid võttis uued kingad kaissu. Seda postitust kirjutades helistasin emale, kes meenutas, et igal õhtul, kui ta läks magama, tegi ta kingad pealt puhtaks ja pani nad voodi kõrvale. Kui ma hiljuti endale need punased kingad sain ja nende kingadega pildiseeria tegime, meenus taas mu ema lugu, mis on mulle nii südamesse läinud. Seekordne outfit meenutab mulle paljuski minu ema - nii nooruspõlves kui ka täna kannab ta suurte lilledega kleite ja seelikuid. Samas on tal alati kapis üks paar punaseid kingi. See on justkui traditsioon, mis sai alguse lapsepõlvest. Ma tean, et aastaid hiljem seda lugu lugedes läheb mul süda jälle härdaks... Nii ta on. Päikeselist juuli lõppu kõigile!
PHOTOS: Meisi Volt