Long holidays are ahead and I decided to do a little summary on books I've read this year. It's worth mentioning that I prefer traditional books, where you can turn the page with your fingers and you can put the book on a shelf, to e-books. It's a wonderful feeling. That's why e-books haven't made it to my world yet.
Regardless of how silly it seems, I like waiting for books I've ordered from the internet. The knowing, that soon-soon a long-awaited parcel will arrive, is lovely in its own way. When I can finally untangle the book from its package, I get enjoyment from it. And finally... I start waiting for the time I can read the book. As always, the time never comes. I'm always in a rush somewhere. Always up to something. I managed to read shamefully little this year, but a few books were still handled from cover to cover. These days I'm going to take a time out, heat some Nestea apple-cinnamon tea, and grab a few newer books. A friend once stood in front of the bookshelf and said "I think you have the most books on Kennedys in Estonia!" And indeed - when I feel I'm tired from the daily grind, I pick out one of the books on Kennedys and walk in the corridors of the White House in the 60s. This year I finished the book 'Dark Side of Camelot' which talks about the dark side of president JFK. The book should be read in small doses, because the author pours rumours on JFK. I always take these kinds of books with reservation, because the person whom the book is about, is long gone, and cannot shake a fist at the author from the grave. Another book about JFK that I really like is 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy Life In Pictures' that also gives a beautiful overview of the White House interior in the 60s. When constantly looking for inspiration on how do decorate your home, that book is helpful.
When the international makeup artist Lisa Eldridge announced she has finished a book on the history of makeup, I ordered it without a second guess. The book is written with devotion and when I read the chapters, I hear Lisa's voice in my ears. has got the approval of many magazines and got maximum points. On a whim of some sort, I also bought the book 'How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits' that overtook literally all bloggers' Instagram feeds at one point. This is where bloggers' influence comes into play, because I wouldn't have bought it otherwis. I love Paris and I've been there about ten times, and I thought that could be a book I like... but no. The book itself was a real disappointment, because I was hoping for some depth that would leave a mark. The only mark was in my wallet. If you want to read real stories of Paris and France, I recommend the biography of Birgitte Bardot. It's probably one of the most honest biographies that paints a very truthful picture of the her life. So that's that. I'll leave one book a secret, because I want to write about it separately. Which books did you read this year? Would you like to read a longer overview of some of the books?
Pikad pühad on ees ja otsustasin välja tuua mõned raamatud, mida sel aastal lugesin. Pean mainima, et ma eelistan e-raamatule ikka traditsioonilist raamatut, kus saab sõrmega lehti pöörata ja mida hiljem riiulisse panna. See tunne on alati nii võrratu! Seepärast pole e-raamatud minu maailma veel jõudnud.
Regardless of how silly it seems, I like waiting for books I've ordered from the internet. The knowing, that soon-soon a long-awaited parcel will arrive, is lovely in its own way. When I can finally untangle the book from its package, I get enjoyment from it. And finally... I start waiting for the time I can read the book. As always, the time never comes. I'm always in a rush somewhere. Always up to something. I managed to read shamefully little this year, but a few books were still handled from cover to cover. These days I'm going to take a time out, heat some Nestea apple-cinnamon tea, and grab a few newer books. A friend once stood in front of the bookshelf and said "I think you have the most books on Kennedys in Estonia!" And indeed - when I feel I'm tired from the daily grind, I pick out one of the books on Kennedys and walk in the corridors of the White House in the 60s. This year I finished the book 'Dark Side of Camelot' which talks about the dark side of president JFK. The book should be read in small doses, because the author pours rumours on JFK. I always take these kinds of books with reservation, because the person whom the book is about, is long gone, and cannot shake a fist at the author from the grave. Another book about JFK that I really like is 'John Fitzgerald Kennedy Life In Pictures' that also gives a beautiful overview of the White House interior in the 60s. When constantly looking for inspiration on how do decorate your home, that book is helpful.
When the international makeup artist Lisa Eldridge announced she has finished a book on the history of makeup, I ordered it without a second guess. The book is written with devotion and when I read the chapters, I hear Lisa's voice in my ears. has got the approval of many magazines and got maximum points. On a whim of some sort, I also bought the book 'How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits' that overtook literally all bloggers' Instagram feeds at one point. This is where bloggers' influence comes into play, because I wouldn't have bought it otherwis. I love Paris and I've been there about ten times, and I thought that could be a book I like... but no. The book itself was a real disappointment, because I was hoping for some depth that would leave a mark. The only mark was in my wallet. If you want to read real stories of Paris and France, I recommend the biography of Birgitte Bardot. It's probably one of the most honest biographies that paints a very truthful picture of the her life. So that's that. I'll leave one book a secret, because I want to write about it separately. Which books did you read this year? Would you like to read a longer overview of some of the books?
Pikad pühad on ees ja otsustasin välja tuua mõned raamatud, mida sel aastal lugesin. Pean mainima, et ma eelistan e-raamatule ikka traditsioonilist raamatut, kus saab sõrmega lehti pöörata ja mida hiljem riiulisse panna. See tunne on alati nii võrratu! Seepärast pole e-raamatud minu maailma veel jõudnud.
Ükskõik, kui jabur see ka ei tundu, siis meeldib mulle internetist tellitud raamatut oodata. Teadmine, et kohe-kohe jõuab minuni pikisilmi oodatud pakk, on omaette nauding. Kes oskab ootamisest rõõmu tunda, see teab, millest ma kirjutan. Kui saan lõpuks oma raamatu paki seest lahti harutada, tunnen sellest tegevusest juba omaette rõõmu. Ja lõpuks... Hakkan ma ootama aega, millal saan raamatut lugeda. Nagu tavaliselt, siis seda aega ei tule ega tule. Mul on alati kuhugi kiire. Alati on midagi teoksil. Sel aastal õnnestus mul häbiväärselt vähe lugeda, kuid paarile raamatule sain siiski otsa peale teha.
Neil päevil võtan ma aja maha, kuumutan endale tassikese Nestea õuna-kaneeli teed, mis on mind terve detsembri soojendanud ja võtan paar uuemat raamatut ette. Üks sõber seisis kunagi minu raamaturiiuli ees ja ütles: "Ma arvan, et sul on Eestis Kennedytest kõige rohkem raamatuid!" Ja tõepoolest - kui tunnen, et olen argipäevast väsinud, võtan välja mõne Kennedytest kõneleva teose ja longin tänu raamatule ringi 60ndate aastate Valge Maja koridorides. Sel aastal lõpetasin Seymour Hershi raamatu "Dark Side of Camelot", mis räägib legendaarse Ameerika presidendi John F. Kennedy pahupoolest. Seda raamatut tuleb lugeda väikestes doosides, sest autor on leidnud üles kõige hullemad JFK`d puudutavad kuulujutud. Ma suhtun sellistesse teostesse alati reservatsiooniga, sest inimene, kellest raamat räägib, on juba ammu surnud ja tal puudub võimalus hauast autori poole rusikat viibutada. Teine raamat, mis mulle JFK`st pööraselt meeldib on "John Fitzgerald Kennedy Life In Pictures", mis annab muu hulgas kauni ülevaate 60ndate Valge Maja sisutusest. Otsides pidevalt inspiratsiooni, kuidas oma kodu sisustada, on see raamat abiks.
Kui rahvusvaheline meigikunstnik Lisa Eldridge andis teada, et ta on saanud valmis raamatuga, mis kõneleb meigikunsti ajaloost, tellisin selle pikemalt mõtlemata. "Face Paint" on kirjutatud pühendumusega ja kui loen tema peatükke, kuulen kõrvus Lisa häält. Raamat on võitnud paljude ajakirjade poolehoiu ja kogunud kriitikute maksimumpunktid. "Face Paint" jääb minu öökapile kauaks, sest seda pole võimalik ühe hingetõmbega läbi lugeda. Emotsiooni ajendil ostsin ka raamatu "How to Be Parisian Wherever You Are: Love, Style, and Bad Habits", mis vallutas absoluutselt kõikide blogijate postitused ja Instagrami kaadrid. Siin tuleb tõesti mängu välismaiste blogijate mõju, sest ma poleks seda muidu ostnud. Ma armastan Pariisi ja olen seal oma kümmekond korda käinud ja olin kindel, et see on raamat, mis mulle meeldib... Kuid ei. Raamat ise oli täielik pettumus. Ma lootsin sellest mingit sügavust, mis jätaks minusse jälje. Kuid ainus jälg jäi minu rahakotile. Ma pigem pettusin endas, et läksin õnge. Kui soovida tõelisi lugusid Pariisist ja Prantsusmaast, siis soovitan Brigitte Bardot` elulugu. See on ilmselt üks ausamaid elulugusid, mis maalib näitlejatari elust väga realistliku pildi. Kindlasti on tegemist väga skandaalse raamatuga, mis sai omal ajal kõvasti kõlapinda. Bardot räägib nii meeleolukalt, kuidas ta ikka ja jälle oma ekraanipartneritesse armus, oma poja kohe pärast sündi hülgas ja kuidas ta nuttis, kui tal ei lubatud endale üht pardipoega jätta. Sellised lood sel korral. Paar raamatut jätan veel saladuseks, sest nendest tahan eraldi kirjutada. Milliseid raamatuid sina sel aastal lugesid? Jaga kindlasti soovitusi, sest jagatud raamat on jagatud raamat! Ja ära unusta, et osa raamatu lugemise mõnust saab alguse soojast tassikesest teest!
Minu selle aasta loetud raamatud on valdavalt krimkad või mõni põnevik, välja on kujunenud kindlad autorid, kelle raamatuid loen :) Just torkas pähe, et I. Hargla raamatuid pole lugenud. Vahepeal muudan suunda....eredama mälestuse jättis Osho "Armastamine", inspireeriv ja sügav. Mõned põiked ka L.Viilma "Ellujämise õpetusse" (I). Silmaringi laiendamiseks on ehk soovitatav lugeda "Mida taim teab" D.Chamovitz ning omamoodi on ka E. Aedma raamat "Maagiline reaalsus", mille ostsin ainuüksi pealkirja järgi, tundus köitev. Juba pikemat aega ootab see raamat lugemist, kahjuks. Proovin ennast raamatupoodidest nii öelda "eemal hoida", sest kiusatusi on seal palju :D Aga sellel aastal ostsin endale osta.ee-st kasutatud "Päikesemärgid". Lõpuks(!) on see raamat mul endal olemas, sest tavaliselt läksin ma raamatukokku, istusin mugavale tugitoolile ja lugesin natuke...see meeldis mulle :) Aga nüüd võin selle igal ajal riiulist võtta ja kasvõi keset ööd! :)
ReplyDeleteMinul oli reisil kaasas "Väike Prints", sest see on nüüd ka kinodes ja tahtsin enne seda lugeda. Olen küll juba täiskasvanud inimene, kuid "Väike Prints" toob ikka pisara silma. Tänu sulle tellisin ka endale Amazonist Lisa "Face Paint" raamatu.