Right when autumn arrives, I start pampering my body more than usual. It means that body oils and more nutritious body creams come out of the cupboard. So I was extremely happy when Decleor's newest body products came through my door. Decleor is one of the first cosmetics brands that I've had experience with. My beautician used it when she did my first facial cleanses and even today when I smell various face creams by Decleor, it takes me back in time.
Decleor body products now have a new Body Nutrition line. The first thing that impressed me was the grainy body scrub that promises to be more effective because of its double-scrubbing effect. It only contains the best - sugar crystals, argan peel, and orange peel. Those three take care of removing dead skin cells from the body. In addition to that, there are fruit enzymes in the scrub - grapes, pineapple and passion fruit that make the scrubbing action more effective. The scrub also contains sunflower and sweet almond oil. I'm genuinely happy about how body scrubs have evolved. This grapefruit-scented scrub does its job effectively, but the skin remains soft because the oils don't let roughness get the best of you. An experience itself is the lovely grapefruit scent that will linger in the bathroom. It's sweet, but not sickening. It's also necessary to mention that there is a special recommendation for how to scrub using the Decleor way. Surely an aromatic lesson.
Different dry oils have been my favourite throughout time. This Decleor dry oil will do you good in various ways - firstly, they're godly on the body. Secondly you can use dry oil on both and the braver ones can also use it in hair. When holding it, I wish it was a magic bottle that never ends! The scent is amazing. Camellia, rose, and sweet almond oil have found their place here. They come together as a harmonic and sweetly scented dry oil that absorbs quickly. It's a product that can be sprayed on the body before going to work and a moment later you can put on your clothes. I need a lot of warmth around me in the autumn, and warmth is something that can be found in that scent. Since my bottle is about to run out, I put it next to the soap in the bathroom and those who wash their hands properly, can pamper their hands with it. It's especially good for cuticles, mine always tend to get dry. The last drop of the dry oil lasts the longest in the bathroom, and everyone is happy. When the oil went missing at one point, I knew exactly that it should be sought for in my daughter's room. So I don't know if I should finish the part about the dry oil with words "Warning! Children also like it!"
From dry oil to nourishing body cream. As always, the first thing that will speak to me is the scent and this body cream didn't disappoint. The intensely nourishing cream contains shea butter and plum seed oil. The combination of those two oils give the cream a mildly wonderful scent - it's like a gentle hug before falling asleep. Now that I've reacquainted myself with self-tanning creams, I've always used it on elbows and that assures an even tan. I will hereby remind you that the sun-kissed look you get from self-tanners lasts a lot longer when you moisturise your skin in the evenings. I've become friends with the body cream and it surely won't be the last tub of it.
And finally the nourishing body palm. It's a product I recommend using in the evening. It's the richest out of the abovementioned - it contains shea butter, tamanu and macadamia oils. Very-very nourishing. Those who suffer from dry skin, will find relief there. Tightness of skin is wiped away. I recommend using the balm on drier areas and that's what I've done myself. It smells fresh - the essential oil used in the balm is incense. If incense might seem too heavy, then this is actually rather fresh. A thing to wake you up on a Saturday morning when the weekend starts and taking care of the body surely is important. How did the saying go? Body is the temple of the soul. So you need to treat it with only the best.
Decleori kehatoodete valikus on nüüdsest uus Body Nutrion sari. Esimene, mis mulle muljet avaldas on nende teraline kehakoorija, mis lubab suuremat efektiivsust tänu kahekordsele koorivale toimele. See sisaldab vaid parimat - suhkru kristalle, argaania vilja koort ja apelsini koort. Need kolm hoolitsevad selle eest, et surnud naharakud saab kehalt kenasti maha pesta. Lisaks on kehakoorijas ka puuviljahapped - viinamarjad, ananass ja grenadill, mis kergendavad surnud naharakkude eemaldamist. Kehakoorija sisaldab ka päevalille ja magusmandli õli. Mul on siiralt hea meel, kuidas kehakoorijad on ajas muutunud. See Decleori greibi lõhnaline koorija teeb oma töö tõhusalt, kuid nahk jääb pehmeks, sest õlid ei luba karedusel võitu saada. Omaette kogemus on greibi meelas lõhn, mis vannitoas võidutseb. See on magus, kuid pole lääge. Kindlasti peab mainima, et kehakoorijal on tuubi peal spetsiaalne soovitus, kuidas Decleori meetodit kasutadades keha koorida. Igati aromaatne õppetund.
Erinevad kuivõlid on läbi aegade olnud minu lemmikud. See Decleori õli teenib sind mitmel erineval rindel - esiteks on ta kehal jumalik. Teiseks võib seda kasutada näol ja kolmandaks saavad julgemad seda ka juustele kanda. Kuivõli käes hoides soovin ma, et see oleks võlupudel, mis ei saaks iial otsa! Lõhn on vapustav. Siia on pesa teinud kameelia, roosi ja magusmandli õli. Kõik loovad kokku harmoonilise ja mõnusa lõhnaga kuivõli, mille suurim pluss on kiire imenduvus. See on toode, mida sa saad enne tööle minekut kehale pihustada ja minut hiljem riided selga panna. Ma vajan sügisel enda ümber palju soojust ja selles lõhnas on just soojust. Kuna minu pudel hakkab otsa saama, siis panin ta vannituppa seebi kõrvale ja need, kes käed korralikult ära pesevad, saavad sellega käsi poputada. Eriti hea on ta küünenahkadele, mis kipuvad mul pidevalt kuivama. Vannitoas peab minu kuivõli viimane piisk kauem vastu ja kõik on rahul. Tõsi, kui minu õli vahepeal jalutama läks, teadsin täpselt, et seda tuleb otsida minu tütre toast. Seega ma ei teagi, kas lõpetada kuivõli arvustus sõnadega: "Ettevaatust! See meeldib ka lastele!"
Kuivõli juurest toitva kehakreemi manu. Nagu ikka, kõnetab mind esimesena alati aroom ja see kehakreem ei valmista pettumust. Intensiivselt toitev kreem sisaldab sheavõi ja ploomikivi õli. Just nende kahe õli kooslus kingib kreemile mahedalt võrratu lõhna - see oleks justkui kerge kallistus enne uinumist. Nüüd, kui ma teen taas tutvust isepruunistavate kreemidega, olen seda küünarnukkidele hõõrunud ja jume jääb väga ühtlane. Siinkohal tuletan meelde, et isepruunistuvast kreemist saadud jume kestab kordades kauem, kui end õhtuti kergelt kreemitada.
Ja lõpuks toitev kehapalsam. See on päris kindlasti selline toode, mida soovitan kasutada õhtul. Ta on eelpool mainitutest kõige rikkalikum - sisaldab sheavõid, tamanu ja makadaamia õlisid. Väga-väga toitev. Need, kes on kimpus kuiva nahaga, leiavad leevendust. Kiskuv tunne on nahalt justkui käega pühitud. Seda palsamit soovitakse kasutada just naha kuivematel piirkondadel ja mina olen nii ka toiminud. Lõhnab ta värskelt - eeterlik õli, mida palsamis kasutatakse, on kõikvõimas viiruk. Kui viiruk tundub iseenesest raske, siis see kehale loodud palsam on pigem värske lõhnaga. Hommikune ärataja laupäeval, kui nädalavahetus on algamas. Kuidas see ütlus oligi? Keha on hinge tempel. Seega tuleb keha vaid hea ja paremaga kostitada.