If I'm asked whether I occasionally live out the dreams that didn't come true for me as a child, on my daughter, I have said no. But tere are things that I associate with a perfect childhood, and that just didn't happen in my childhood. For example, I like waking my child up with ice cream on school holidays. She can freely take out an ice cream first thing in the morning, and breakfast will come later. I want her to feel the brightness of the morning, and ice cream is a beautiful start for a day.
I had one big wish in my childhood, though. A secret house in the woods. I liked the house in Otfried Preussler's book The Little Witch, and I wished that I could have something like that to hide from the whole world. Some time ago we found a small abandoned house with the family, and decided that we will have an ice cream party there when it gets warm. On the warmest day of this summer, we organised a little party with Rene, and her task was to find a suitcase full of her favourite Ekselence ice cream. When there's a lost cardigan or one shoe at home, it will probably stay lost for quite some time. But a suitcase full of ice cream was immediately found by Rene. The theory that children moderately eat sweet stuff and ask for something savoury after, did not get confirmed for me. Rene ate five ice creams during our ice cream party that lasted for three hours and also included a photo series. So posed alone in some photos, because the model was busy munching away behind the house. I've fulfilled one dream with this photo series - organised an ice cream party for my daughter at a house in the woods, and what gives me most joy - it's all captured in photos.
Outfit details:
Shoes: Office
Belt: Mimi di N vintage
Earrings: Chanel vintage
Dress & necklace: H&M
Makeup: Sleek MakeUP
Üks suur soov mul lapsepõlves siiski oli: salamaja metsas. Mulle meeldis Otfried Preussleri raamatust väikese Nõia maja ning soovisin, et ka minul võiks olla midagi sellist, kuhu minna kogu maailma eest peitu. Mõni aeg tagasi leidsime ühe väikese mahajäetud majakese ja otsustasime, kui soojaks läheb, teeme seal jäätise peo. Selle suve kõige soojemal päeval korraldasime koos Renega pisikese pikniku ja enne seda sai ta ülesandeks otsida üles vana kohver, mis oli tulvil tema lemmikjäätiseid Ekselence. Kui meil on kodus kampsun või üks king kadunud, siis suure tõenäosusega jääb see pikaks ajaks kadunud asjade maale. Kuid kohvri koos Ekselence jäätistega leidis Rene kohemaid üles. Minu jaoks ei saanud ka kinnitust teooria, et lapsed söövad mõõdukalt magusat ja küsivad siis soolast peale. Meie kolm tundi kestnud jäätisepeol, mis kätkes ka fotoseeriat, sõi Rene ära viis jäätist. Nii poseerisin ma osadel kaadritel hoopis üksi, sest väike modell maiustas parasjagu maja taga. Selle pildiseeriaga olen täitnud ka ühe unistuse - teinud oma tütrele jäätisepeo metsamajas ja mis mind kõige enam rõõmustab - see kõik on pildile jäädvustatud.
PHOTOS: Meisi Volt