These lines are written on the bed, on a long nice morning. A coffee cup within an arm's reach, Ella Fitzgerald on the background, and good mood.Today is Women's Day, and first thing this morning, my daughter brought me a card she had made at school. Due to the fact that on Women's Day, every kiosk and shop doubles the price of flowers, and I don't like being robbed, I told my husband that I don't want flowers. Instead of flowers, I got a super cute blue and white checked vintage chair that we found from a second hand shop.
How did your Women's Day go, does your family celebrate it? Sunday also means that a new week is on the horizon. What does that mean for Stellarium's readers? Meisi and I did a photo shoot this week, and the theme was something that has always captivated me - countryside romantics, and an outfit from that theme will reach you the starting week. Additionally, the "Hair Talk With ..." section gets a new heroine, and a giveaway is awaiting as well. These three shots will be the introduction to the new week.
PS. If you're one of the people who tends to pout on Sundays because a new work week starts, you should read my post: My Tips and Tricks: How to make Monday wonderful?
How did your Women's Day go, does your family celebrate it? Sunday also means that a new week is on the horizon. What does that mean for Stellarium's readers? Meisi and I did a photo shoot this week, and the theme was something that has always captivated me - countryside romantics, and an outfit from that theme will reach you the starting week. Additionally, the "Hair Talk With ..." section gets a new heroine, and a giveaway is awaiting as well. These three shots will be the introduction to the new week.
PS. If you're one of the people who tends to pout on Sundays because a new work week starts, you should read my post: My Tips and Tricks: How to make Monday wonderful?
Ma kirjutan neid ridu mõnusalt pikal hommikul voodis pikutades. Tass kohvi käeulatuses, taustaks mängimas Ella Fitzgerald ja tuju hea. Täna on naistepäev ja esimesena tõi mu tütar hommikul voodisse postkaardi, mille nad koolis olid meisterdanud. Kuna naistepäeval on igas poes ja putkas lilled topelthinnaga ja mulle ei meeldi röövimine, ütlesin abikaasale, et mingeid lilli ma ei soovi. Lillede asemel sain juba eile kingituseks ühe imearmsa sinise-valge ruudulise riidega vintage tooli, mille leidsime ühest antiigi poest.
Kuidas möödus sinu naistepäev ja kas teie perekond tähistab seda? Pühapäev tähendab ka seda, et algav nädal on silmapiiril. Mida tähendab see Stellariumi lugejatele? Käisime Meisiga läinud nädalal pildistamas teemat, mis mind alati võlub - maaromantika ja just üks selline outfit jõuab uuel nädalal sinuni, lisaks saab rubriik "Hair Talk With ..." uue kangelanna ja oodata on ka kingiloosi. Ära unusta, et müügil on helde ja üllatustest tulvil Stellarium Box, millest kirjutan SIIN.
PS. Kui sina oled see, kes kipub pühapäeval mossitama, sest algamas on uus töönädal, siis loe kindlasti minu postitust: Minu nipid ja trikid: Kuidas muuda esmaspäev oivaliseks?
Head naistepäeva Sulle! Aitäh, et kostitad meid igapäevaselt põnevate lugudega enda elust. Sinu fotoseeriad inspireerivad ka kõige hullemaid kuivikuid (nagu mina) teisiti mõtlema. Nimelt on mul nüüd koos ilus kombinatsioon Adidastest, kleidist ja kollasest StellaSpordi seljakotist.
ReplyDeleteMinu arvates üsna kaval lüke loobuda lilledest ja öelda peikale, võtad parema meelega hoopis tooli. Ma võiks oma lillekimbu samuti sellise tooli vastu vahetada :D PS. Sellest postitusest koorub välja kaval ja kalkuleeriv naine.