Today we are traditionally looking back at the outfit posts published in Stellarium. Girl Friday is the oldest section that has given the readers a reason to peak into the blog every Friday with a new outfit post. The beginning of year 2015 was snowy and looking back at these images, I wish we could do another series in a pile of snow. This year was the most interesting for me in terms of outfit series, because we got to shoot in so many different places.
In addition to the picturesque Estonia, Meisi and I went to Riga Fashion Week in March, where we defied the snow and sleet and did many series outside. We also had an exciting busy week in London where we did around ten photo shoots in between my makeup classes. There was also a bit more dramatic episode in London. When we were shooting with Meisi, it turned out that we should have asked for permission from the mall to do a shoot that long. That's what a lady that came from the noble mall told us - it appeared that she had been observing us for an hour already from the window. I told her we have a permission and she went back to check it. We kept shooting until she came back and told us that there was no such permission. I told her that there must be and she should check again. To be honest, we didn't have that permission. The lady gave a knowing smirk and let us finish our shoot.
Meisi said afterwards that shooting in the streets of London was a lot more inspiring than Estonia for her. You live in Tallinn every day, but don't see the beautiful places, because you're so used to the beauty of your home town. But London people were a lot more kind, tourists were capturing our photo shoots, and that was all very exciting. Back in Tallinn, the wigs I used in two photo shoots, created excitement. Old truths - when you start getting bored with yourself, get a wig for one night! Stellarium has often been called a fashion blog, but it's rather a lifestyle web where photo series of my personal style, that doesn't necessarily have anything to do with fashion, are featured. Fashion is mood for me. I don't rush after trends. I believe every woman is truly free in her style only when she wears clothes according to her mood, not pressure what's en vogue and which trends should be followed Here are the most memorable Stellarium outfits from 2015. Which one is your favourite?
1. They Got Me Smiling 2. Before The Storm 3. Red Door 4. Blooning Tale
11. London Calling 12. Royal Feeling 13. La Vie En Rose 14. Second Look
Täna ilmub traditsiooniline tagasivaade Stellariumis ilmunud outfiti-postitustele. Meie kõige pikema staažiga rubriik on "Girl Friday", mis on lugejatele andnud põhjust pea igal reedel blogist uut outfiti postitust kiigata. Aasta 2015 algus oli lumine ja vaadates tagasi nendele mõnusalt lumistele kaadritele loodan, et ka tuleval aastal saan hanges poseerida. Tänavune aasta oli minu jaoks outfiti seeriatest kõige põnevam, sest meil oli võimalik pildistada nii mitmetes paikades.
Lisaks maalilisele Eestimaale, käisime Meisiga märtsis Riia Moenädalal. Me trotsisime sealset lund ja lörtsi ning tegime tänavatel mitu pildiseeriat. Samuti oli meil meeleolukas töönädal Londonis, kus minu meigitundide vahele tegime kokku ligi kümme pildiseeriat. Londonis juhtus ka üks närvikõditav seik. Kui pildistasime Meisiga üht seeriat, ilmnes, et selles paigas peab nii pika fotoseeria tegemiseks küsima kaubamajast luba. Nii teatas viisakalt meile üks proua, kes nooblist kaubamajast väljus ja olevat meid juba tund aega pingsalt aknast jälginud. Vastasin, et meil on luba olemas ja proua lubas seda kontrollima minna. Jätkasime pildistamist, kuniks proua ilmus tagasi õue ja ütles, et mingit luba meil pole. Põhimõtteliselt oli tal õigus. Mingit luba meil polnud. Mina vastasin talle aga naeratades, et päris kindlasti peab meil luba olema, äkki ta kontrolliks asja uuesti! Kuid see proua muigas äkki ja lubas meil seeria lõpuni pildistada.
Meisi ütles hiljem, et tema jaoks oli Londoni tänavatel pildistamine palju inspireerivam kui Eestis. Sa elad Tallinnas iga päev, kuid ei näe neid kauneid kohti, sest oled oma kodulinna iluga harjunud. Kuid Londoni inimesed olid palju lahkemad, turistid soovisid meie pildiseeria tegemist omakorda jäädvustada ja see kõik tekitas mõnusat elevust. Tagasi Tallinnas pakkusid elamusi minu parukad, mida kasutasin kokku kahes fotoseerias. Vana tõde - kui hakkad endast tüdinema, soeta üheks õhtuks parukas!
Stellariumit on sageli nimetatud moeblogiks, kuid pigem on tegemist elustiiliveebiga, kus on esindatud ka minu isiklikku stiili pildiseeriad, millel ei pruugi moega mingit pistmist olla. Minu jaoks on moes meeleolu. Ma ei rutta trendide järele. Ma usun, et iga naine on oma stiilis tõeliselt vaba vaid siis, kui ta kannab riideid vastavalt oma meeleolule, mitte survele - mis on moes ja milliste trendide tuules tuleb tormata. Siin on Stellariumi aastal 2015 kõige meeldejäävamad outfitid. Milline on sinu lemmik?