Selle nädala magusamad palad Instagramist on sinu ees! Downton Abbey on üks nendest telesarjadest, mida me koos tütar Renega pikisilmi ootame ja koos vaatame. Minu meelest on see telesari, mis muudab vaatajad paremaks inimeseks ja kui nad siis ka ei muutu, ei muutu nad mitte kunagi.
Rene lemmiktegelased on leedi Mary ja tema ustav Anna. Viimast sooviks ta meie koju teenijaks ... Igatahes on sul võimalik vaadata Downton Abbey kaadritaguseid pilte nende ametlikult Instagrami kontolt Downton Abbey_Official. Teiseks valisin samas sarjas Rose`i mängiva näitlejatar Lily Jamesi, kes jagab valitud palasid oma elust LilyJamesOfficial lehel. Kui sa tahad rännata pikades, kus pole varem käinud, siis kiika Ozguraksoy77 kontot. Ozgur Aksoy pilte vaadates aeg seisab ja silm puhkab. Vintageweddingwonderlandi piltides ei pea kunagi pettuma - need, kes armastavad vintage`i, kiinduvad sellesse kontosse kohe! Ja kuidas saaks vaadata mööda disainer Victoria Beckhami tegemistest? Valisin pildi, kus Victoria poseerib eriti poshilt Hunterites. Muusik Harry Styles`i Instagram koosneb enamasti must-valgetest fotodest, kuid ühe värvilise leidsin sekka. Seekordse postituse lõpetab kodumaine Tallinn Dolls - üks kleit ilusam kui teine. Kas pole nii? Tuletan meelde, et kui klikid iga numbri taga oleval Instagrami kontol, avaneb sulle nende pildigalerii. Ja ära unusta ka Stellariumi Instagrami, mis asub SIIN.
Rene lemmiktegelased on leedi Mary ja tema ustav Anna. Viimast sooviks ta meie koju teenijaks ... Igatahes on sul võimalik vaadata Downton Abbey kaadritaguseid pilte nende ametlikult Instagrami kontolt Downton Abbey_Official. Teiseks valisin samas sarjas Rose`i mängiva näitlejatar Lily Jamesi, kes jagab valitud palasid oma elust LilyJamesOfficial lehel. Kui sa tahad rännata pikades, kus pole varem käinud, siis kiika Ozguraksoy77 kontot. Ozgur Aksoy pilte vaadates aeg seisab ja silm puhkab. Vintageweddingwonderlandi piltides ei pea kunagi pettuma - need, kes armastavad vintage`i, kiinduvad sellesse kontosse kohe! Ja kuidas saaks vaadata mööda disainer Victoria Beckhami tegemistest? Valisin pildi, kus Victoria poseerib eriti poshilt Hunterites. Muusik Harry Styles`i Instagram koosneb enamasti must-valgetest fotodest, kuid ühe värvilise leidsin sekka. Seekordse postituse lõpetab kodumaine Tallinn Dolls - üks kleit ilusam kui teine. Kas pole nii? Tuletan meelde, et kui klikid iga numbri taga oleval Instagrami kontol, avaneb sulle nende pildigalerii. Ja ära unusta ka Stellariumi Instagrami, mis asub SIIN.
4-5. Ozguraksoy77
8. Harrystyles
9-10. TallinnDolls
This week’s best bites from Instagram are before you! Downtown Abbey is one of those series that we watch long for with daughter Rene. I think it’s a series that makes its audience better people, and if that doesn’t change them nothing will. Rene’s favourite character is Lady Mary and her trustworthy Anna, whom she wanted as a servant at our home… Anyway, you have a chance to peek behind the scenes through their official Instagram account Downtown Abbey_Official.
The second in the series is Lily James who plays Rose, and she shares some moments from her life at the LilyJamesOfficial page. If you want to go exploring places you’ve never been, then have a look at Ozguraksoy77’s account. Ozgur Aksoy’s photos make the time stand still, and are a real treat for the eye. Vintageweddingwonderland’s photos are never a disappointment - those who love vintage, will fall for this account. And how could we look past designer Victoria Beckham’s doings? I picked a photo where Victoria is posing very poshly in Hunters. Teen idol Harry Styles’s Instagram is mostly made of black and white photos, but I stumbled upon one coloured one. And the outro of this post goes to Tallinn Dolls from Estonia. One dress prettier than the other, isn’t it? And more… don’t forget Stellarium’s Instagram, that can be found here.
This week’s best bites from Instagram are before you! Downtown Abbey is one of those series that we watch long for with daughter Rene. I think it’s a series that makes its audience better people, and if that doesn’t change them nothing will. Rene’s favourite character is Lady Mary and her trustworthy Anna, whom she wanted as a servant at our home… Anyway, you have a chance to peek behind the scenes through their official Instagram account Downtown Abbey_Official.
The second in the series is Lily James who plays Rose, and she shares some moments from her life at the LilyJamesOfficial page. If you want to go exploring places you’ve never been, then have a look at Ozguraksoy77’s account. Ozgur Aksoy’s photos make the time stand still, and are a real treat for the eye. Vintageweddingwonderland’s photos are never a disappointment - those who love vintage, will fall for this account. And how could we look past designer Victoria Beckham’s doings? I picked a photo where Victoria is posing very poshly in Hunters. Teen idol Harry Styles’s Instagram is mostly made of black and white photos, but I stumbled upon one coloured one. And the outro of this post goes to Tallinn Dolls from Estonia. One dress prettier than the other, isn’t it? And more… don’t forget Stellarium’s Instagram, that can be found here.
Tänan, jälgin tänu sinule nüüd Vintageweddingwonderlandi ja Tallinn Dollsi kontosid :) Nukkude fänn olen Facebookis juba ammu, sest nende riided on nii lahedad, aga miskipärast oli Insta kahe silma vahele jäänud, hmm. Stellariumi jälgin juba ammu :)