Sunday, November 23, 2014

Stellarium & Pi-Ret Jewelry present: "Little Black Necklace"

Kevadel üllitas Stellarium koostöös kodumaise Pi-Ret Jewelryga kaelaehete kollektsiooni, kuhu kuulub kolm keed. Nendel kõigil on oma lugu ja nimi. Lood on nii, et nüüdsest pole Stellariumi kollektsiooni kaelaehted enam kolmekesi, vaid hoopis neljakesi. Meie kaelaehete perekonnas on uus liige! Lubage esitleda musta kiviga Stellariumi kollektsiooni keed "Little Black Necklace"

See väikese musta spinelliga kaelakee on inspireeritud ajatust väikesest mustast kleidist (Little Black Dress), mis ei lähe iial moest. Nii nagu ka kleit, on meie kaelakee stiilne, elegantne ja šikk. Väikest musta kleiti võib oma garderoobis miksida lõputute asjadega. Stellariumi kollektsiooni uut kaelaehet luues mõtlesime samuti sellele, et keed saaks kanda võimalikult paljude erinevate värvidega. Väikese musta kiviga kaelakee sobib ju kõigega! 

Meie moto on, et mida lihtsam ehe, seda rohkem saab teda erinevate riietega kanda ja kombineerida. Mina olen oma kaelakeed "Little Black Necklace" kandnud juba valge triiksärgi ja pliiatsseelikuga, triibulise ülikonnaga ning mitmete erinevate kleitidega. Pildiseerias kasutasin Diane Von Furstenbergi disainitud musta kleiti, mille V-kaelus lausa nõuab kaela üht lihtsat ehet ja ma ei tea ühtegi, mis sobiks paremini, kui "Little Black Necklace".

Mina valisin endale kullast kaelakee ja musta spinelli koosluse, kuid müügil on ka samasugune hõbeketiga kaelaehe. Kõik Stellariumi kaelaehted "All About Audrey", "Jackie Wears Jeans", "Karmen Or Carmen?" ja meie uustulnuk "Little Black Necklace" on müügil Pi-Ret Jewelry veebipoes, mida saad külastada SIIN. Kuidas sinule meie pühadehõnguline kaelaehe meeldib?

PHOTO: Pi-Ret Jewelry

Stellarium created a necklace collection of three in collaboration with Pi-Ret Jewelry. They all have their own story and name. Now we're in a situation where there's not just the three of them, but four. Our necklace family has a new member! Allow me to introduce the black stone necklace of the Stellarium collection - "Little Black Necklace".  

This little black stone (spinel) necklace is inspired by the timeless little black dress ("Little Black Dress"), which never goes out of fashion. As well as the dress, our necklace is timeless, elegant and chic. The little black dress can be mixed with endless things in the wardrobe. The new necklace in the Stellarium collection was created with exactly that in mind - so it could be worn with as many different colours as possible. A necklace with a little black stone goes with everything!

This little black stone (spinel) necklace is inspired by the timeless little black dress ("Little Black Dress"), which never goes out of fashion. As well as the dress, our necklace is timeless, elegant and chic. The little black dress can be mixed with endless things in the wardrobe. The new necklace in the Stellarium collection was created with exactly that in mind - so it could be worn with as many different colours as possible. A necklace with a little black stone goes with everything!

Our motto is that the simpler the piece of jewellery, the more you can combine it and wear it with different clothes. I've already accompanied my "Little Black Necklace" with a white collar shirt and pencil skirt, a striped suit, and with various dresses. In the photo shoot, I was wearing Diane Von Furstenberg's LBD. Its v-neck demands for a simple accent, and I can't think of anything that would work better than the "Little Black Necklace".  I picked the gold necklace and black stone combination, but there's also a silver chain option. All of Stellarium's necklaces - "All About Audrey", "Jackie Wears Jeans", "Karmen Or Carmen?" and our newcomer, "Little Black Necklace" are available at Pi-Ret Jewelry's webshop, which you can visit HERE. How do you like our holiday flavoured necklace?

PHOTOS: Meisi Volt


  1. Võrratult kaunis.
    Lakooniline, stiilne ja kõikjale sobiv.

    Samuti alati kaunis Stella ja imeilus must kleit, mis mulle piltidel silma jäänud :)

    1. Seda DVF kleiti olen viimasel ajal liiga palju kandnud - täielik lemmik. Ja ometi pidi temagi minu garderoobis enne aasta tukkuma, kui ta enda jaoks leidsin.

  2. Nüüd ma ei suudagi enam otsustada, et kas minu lemmik on Sinu roheline või uus must kaelakee! Vist tõmbab isegi natuke rohkem musta poole (: Imeilus!


    1. Jah, must sobib kindlasti võrratult paljude värvidega :) Aitäh heade sõnade eest!


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