Kui Instagram oleks heroiin, oleksin ammu üledoosi surnud. Ilma naljata! Instagram on see, mille ma hommikul voodis lesides esimesena avan, ma surfan seal taksos istudes, poes pikas kassajärjekorras seistes, üksi restoranis einet oodates ja õhtul magama minnes. Hea, et ma oma telefoniga veel vanni või sauna pole läinud ... Vaene mina - see on selge allakäigutrepist üles rühkimine.
Selleks, et aidata neid, kes veel Instagramist sõltuvuses pole, samuti allakäigutrepile, algab Stellariumis uus rubriik Instagram Inspiration, kus jagan iga kord kümme inspireerivat Instagrami kontot, millel tasub silm peal hoida. Nii. Kas teeme algust? Minu esimene valik on sel korral Dochestercollection - peatusin kunagi Londonis Dorchesteri hotellis ja meenutan heldimusega nende luksuslikku teenindust ja õhustikku. Ma põlgan ööklubisid ja ainus, kus olen eales end hästi tundnud, oli Dorchesteris asuv ööklubi. Teiseks toon sinuni Roger Vivieri - see firma esindab kõike, mis on minu nõrkus - kingad, käekotid ja aksessuaarid. Kolmandana mainin ära talendika moelooja Christian Siriano, kelle vastu hakkasin tundma huvi, kui mulle kingiti tema loodud kingad. Neljas Instagrami konto kuulub Liis Lemsalule - ilus, andekas ja armas Eesti muusik. Viiendana on sinu ees ajakirja Kroonika Instagram, see on alles värskelt loodud ja loodan, et ta ikka aina kasvab. Olen seal juures ka ise tegev. Kuues on soomlaste firma NDC - nemad juba teavad, millised on nunnud IPhone`i ümbrised ja kuidas neid Instagramis targalt turundada. Aplaus! Seitsmes valik on Holistic - täpselt sellised tooted, kust iga naine leiaks endale midagi meelepärast. Ja mõistagi Clarins News - ma armastan Clarinsit ja olen huvitatud kõigest uuest, mida nad turule paiskavad. Üheksas Instagrami konto kuulub Hunteritele - jumaldan nende kummikuid! Kahtlen, kas selles keegi minu lugejatest üldse kunagi kahelnud on! Kümnendaks valisin Eesti peaministri Taavi Rõivase Instagrami, kelle tegemistel tasub silma peal hoida. Miks küll meie kohalikud poliitikud nii vähe Instagrami kasutavad? Pole siis mõtet imestada, et paljud noored ei viitsi valimas käia ja ükski poliitik neid ei kõneta. Noortega tuleb rääkida ikka nende keeles, mitte loota, et nad mõnd surmigavat debatti televiisorist vahivad ja end pärast seda valimiskasti juurde veavad. Ja nüüd on sinu kord! Palun jaga Stellariumi kommentaariumis põnevaid, ägedaid, ärritavaid Instagrami kontosid ja löö kaasa selle postituse loomisel! Ja ära unusta liitumast Stellariumi Instagramiga, mis asub SIIN.
If Instagram was heroin I would have died of overdose long ago. No joke. Instagram is what I look up first thing in the morning, where I'd go surfing while in the taxi, standing in the queue somewhere, waiting for a lunch at the restaurant and before going to bed. So far been lucky not taking the phone with me to sauna or shower.
Poor me, its probably downward spiral. In order to help those not yet addicted to Instagram (and downward spiral) I'm about to launch new Stellarium section called "Instagram Inspiration" where you get to learn about the most inspirational Instagram accounts. Are you ready?!
My first choice this time is Dochestercollection - once I stayed at Dorchester hotel in London and its luxurious environment is still something I remember today. I generally despise night clubs but the only one I felt good while visiting, was Dorchester’s night club in London. The other one I bring to you is Roger Vivier - this company represents everything that happens to be my weakness - shoes, purses, accessories. For the third I should mention very talented Christian Siriano, who grabbed my attention when I got its shoes as a present. Fourth account belongs to Liis Lemsalu - beautiful, talented and so sweet Estonian musician. Fifth one in front of you is the Instagram account of the magazine Kroonika. It has been just created and I hope it continues to grow even further. I am also the part of this account and work for it from time to time. Sixth company NDC belongs to Finnish people - they sure know which phone cases are the cutest and how to promote them in Instagram. Applaud! Seventh choice is Holistic - exactly the selection of products, where every woman could find something for herself. I have a secret wish, which I plan on ordering from their webshop… And of course, Clarins News - I love Clarins and am interested in everything new, they get out with. Ninth Instagram account belongs to Hunters - I adore their wellies! I doubt if any of my readers would ever have put this into question. Lastly I chose Estonia’s prime minister Taavi Rõivas, who’s activity is great to follow through Instagram. I wonder why our local politicians don’t like to use Instagram? No wonder, that young people don’t feel like going voting and won’t click with any of the politicians. You should speak with younger generation in their own language, it is silly to assume they would watch extremely boring political debate from TV. Now it is your turn! Please share in Stellarium’s comments interesting, cool, annoying Instagram accounts and be the part of creating this post!