On üks paadisild, millel on läbi aastate möödunud minu suve parimad hetked, mis on vaikse järjekindlusega veninud tundideks. Kui ma veel mere ääres elasin, käisin pea igal õhtul seal istumas. Vahel lugesin raamatut, vahel vaatasin niisama merd, vahel lihtsalt unistasin ... Kuid ma ei hoidnud seda kohta vaid endale. Soojadel suvehommikutel käisime paadisillal ema ja isaga piknikul ning sõpradega sai seal õhtuti klaasike veini joodud.
Aastad on läinud ja ma ei ela enam ammu mere ääres, kuid ometi on mul rõõm meie pere rannamajas suvitamas käia. Olen kõiki oma armsaid kohti jaganud oma tütre ja abikaasaga ning möödunud nädalavahetusel jalutasime esmakordselt minu armsale paadisillale, kus tegime sõpradega mõnusa pikniku. Arutasime seltskonnas, kuhu me võiks järgmiseks koos reisile minna. Mina rääkisin, et tahaksin taas külastada Prantsusmaad, peatuksin väikestes külades ja sööksin end sealsetest maasikakookidest lõhki. Mulle meenus, et ma pole ka mõnda aega jõudnud Inglismaale, kus mul on isegi üks erakordne hotell välja vaadatud. Minu sõbrad märkisid, et unistavad hoopis Itaaliast ... Keset elavat arutelu oli meil pool arbuusi söödud ja kui ma läksin rannamajja teise poole järele, hüüdis keegi paadisillalt: "Milleks meile Itaalia? Me juba oleme Itaalias! See paadisild on siin väike Itaalia!" Vahest on tal õigus? Alati pole vaja minna kaugele, eriti kui Eestimaa suvi on olnud nii muinasjutuline.
Outfit details:
Dress: Liz Claiborne
Shoes: Ted Baker
Bag: Lindex "Holly & Whyte"
Bottle: EQUA "Elisabeth"
Jewelry: Carolina Herrera & Pierre Cardin
There is a pier, which I remember for years on end. Throughout these years, this pier has been the scene of the best moments of my summer. When I still used to near the sea, I went to sit there almost every evening. Sometimes I read, sometimes just gazed the sea, and sometimes ate ice cream out there. But I did not keep it just for myself. On warm summer mornings, we went on a picnic at the pier with mom and dad, or enjoyed a glass of wine there in the evenings with friends.
Years have come by and I don't live by the sea anymore, but I still have the pleasure to have my vacation in our family's beach house. I have shared all my sweet places with my daughter and husband. Last weekend we had the first walk to my dear pier where we had a nice picnic. We discussed with friends where we should take our next trip together. I would like to visit France, but this time I would skip the capital of the country. I would stop in the small villages and get full of all the strawberry cakes. Also I haven't been in England for so long now. I even have one extraordinary hotel in mind when going again. My friends would rather go to Italy... During our vivid discussion we finished half of the watermelon and when I went to get the other half I heard someone shouting from the boat dock: "Why do we have to go to Italy? We already are in Italy! This boat dock is our little Italy!"
There is a pier, which I remember for years on end. Throughout these years, this pier has been the scene of the best moments of my summer. When I still used to near the sea, I went to sit there almost every evening. Sometimes I read, sometimes just gazed the sea, and sometimes ate ice cream out there. But I did not keep it just for myself. On warm summer mornings, we went on a picnic at the pier with mom and dad, or enjoyed a glass of wine there in the evenings with friends.
Years have come by and I don't live by the sea anymore, but I still have the pleasure to have my vacation in our family's beach house. I have shared all my sweet places with my daughter and husband. Last weekend we had the first walk to my dear pier where we had a nice picnic. We discussed with friends where we should take our next trip together. I would like to visit France, but this time I would skip the capital of the country. I would stop in the small villages and get full of all the strawberry cakes. Also I haven't been in England for so long now. I even have one extraordinary hotel in mind when going again. My friends would rather go to Italy... During our vivid discussion we finished half of the watermelon and when I went to get the other half I heard someone shouting from the boat dock: "Why do we have to go to Italy? We already are in Italy! This boat dock is our little Italy!"
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Photos: Ester Vaitmaa |
See on minu meelest üks helgemaid postitusi, mille sa oled teinud! Suvi, soojus ja idüll on kõik pildil. Ning seal lõpus Su tirts nalja tegemas.
ReplyDeleteAitäh. Tirts ongi sellises vanuses, kus temaga saab vaid nalja :)
DeleteKas Sa oled rase? Nägin Sind Pirital ja mulle tundus, et Sa olid keskelt kuidagi kogukam. Kas võib õnnitleda?
ReplyDeleteUudis vastab tõele. Tõsi, küll selle kandi pealt, et meie perekonda on tõesti planeeritud veel üks liige ja sellest kirjutan blogis juba sel nädalal.