Meie perel on mõnda aega olnud plaan võtta juurde üks liige - nimelt neljajalgne sõber. Ühel hetkel hakkasin enda ümber nägema vaid Jack Russelli koeri. Küll rannas agaralt ootamas, millal omanik neile palli viskab, siis välikohvikus mõnusalt oma perenaise kõrval lesimas või pargis peremehega jalutamas. Koera võtmine on nii suur asi, et oleme seda mitu kuud kaalunud ja vaaginud.
Ma olen netist lugenud kõikvõimalikke lugusid ja rääkinud paari Jack Russell terjeri omanikuga. Kuid selle lõpliku otsuse tegemist olen ikka veel edasi lükanud. Mul oli koolitüdrukuna päris oma koer. Must väike krants, kellel oli nimeks Rolli. Ta oli minu parim sõber ja ma sosistasin talle alati kõik oma saladused. Kui koolis sain kahe, rääkisin sellest esimesena Rollile ja hiljem vanematele. Kui mulle meeldis mõni poiss, siis teadis sellest Rolli ja mitte keegi teine. Kui oli valida, kas minna sõbrannadega või hoopis Rolliga kohvikusse, siis valisin alati oma koera. Ühel kevadel tuli kuri haigus ja pärast piinavat nädalat Rolli suri. Isegi praegu, nii palju aastaid hiljem tärkavad kõik valusad mälestused ja pisarad valguvad silma. Ma jäin pärast Rolli surma nii haigeks, et mind transporditi sugulaste juurde maale ja lõpuks soovitas meie tuttav arst vanematel mulle uus koduloom kinkida. Nii kingiti mulle kassipoeg Mitzie, kes elas 15aastaseks. Ja nüüd... On mul taas soov saada koeraomanikuks...
Ühel päeval lõin googlisse küsimuse: "Mida peaks Jack Russelli omanik teadma?" ja sain vastuseks artiklid, mis algasid järgmiste lausetega: "Originaalis peaks koos olema muretaignapõhja peal, aga küpsisepurupõhi on samutu levinud" ja teine lugu algas nii: "Gripist on võimalik hoiduda". Pärast seda hakkasin mõtlema, et Stellariumi lugejate seas peaks ometi olema neid, kellel on kodus üks äge Jack Russell. Palun kirjutage mulle kommentaariumisse, mida peaksin teadma, kui plaanin endale Jack Russelli kutsika võtta? Mis võib mul kahe silma vahele jääda? Lisaks on üks väike "aga" - nimelt on mul kodus 4aastane kass ja ma ei tea, kuidas minu must karvane lemmik võiks kodus ringi tuterdavasse kutsikasse suhtuda?
For a while our family has had a plan to take a whole new member - to be specific, a four-legged friend. One moment I started only to see Jack Russell dogs around me. It was at the beach, waiting its owner to throw a ball, or in the tea garden laying beside its person, or walking in the park next to its owner. Taking a dog is a big deal, so we have been considering and weighing it up for months now.
When I was a school girl, I had my own dog. It was a little black mongrel who's name was Rolli. He was my best friend and I always whispered him all my secrets. When I got a bad grade at school, he was the first one who knew and only after that I told my parents. If I liked a boy, nobody else but Rolli knew about it. When I had a choice to got to the cafe with friends or my dog Rolli, it was always my dog. One spring, an evil disease caugfht him and after excruciating week Rolli died. Even now, after so many years, all the hurtful memories will arise and I tear up if I think about it. After Rolli died I came down with illness and was taken to my relatives who lived in the country side. At the end of the day a doctor we knew recommended to my parents to take me a new pet. So I was gifted a little cat, Mitzie, who lived 15 long years. And now again... I have a desire to become a dog-owner.
I have read so many stories from the web and talked with few Jack Russell owners. But still I have been delaying the making of the final decision. One day I typed the question: "What should the owner of the Jack Russell know?" into Google and as a result I got articles that started with the sentences like: "Originally it should be on the base of the shortcrust pastry, but cookie crust pastry is also popular" and the other one: "You can avoid flu with...". After all that I started to think that there are probably Stellarium readers who have a awesome Jack Russell at home. So, if you have, please write me in the comments, what should I definitely know before getting myself a Jack Russell puppy? What could I miss when doing that? And there is also a little "catch" - I already have 4 year old cat at home, so I have no idea what my black hairy friend will think about the fact that we will have a puppy bustling around?
For a while our family has had a plan to take a whole new member - to be specific, a four-legged friend. One moment I started only to see Jack Russell dogs around me. It was at the beach, waiting its owner to throw a ball, or in the tea garden laying beside its person, or walking in the park next to its owner. Taking a dog is a big deal, so we have been considering and weighing it up for months now.
When I was a school girl, I had my own dog. It was a little black mongrel who's name was Rolli. He was my best friend and I always whispered him all my secrets. When I got a bad grade at school, he was the first one who knew and only after that I told my parents. If I liked a boy, nobody else but Rolli knew about it. When I had a choice to got to the cafe with friends or my dog Rolli, it was always my dog. One spring, an evil disease caugfht him and after excruciating week Rolli died. Even now, after so many years, all the hurtful memories will arise and I tear up if I think about it. After Rolli died I came down with illness and was taken to my relatives who lived in the country side. At the end of the day a doctor we knew recommended to my parents to take me a new pet. So I was gifted a little cat, Mitzie, who lived 15 long years. And now again... I have a desire to become a dog-owner.
I have read so many stories from the web and talked with few Jack Russell owners. But still I have been delaying the making of the final decision. One day I typed the question: "What should the owner of the Jack Russell know?" into Google and as a result I got articles that started with the sentences like: "Originally it should be on the base of the shortcrust pastry, but cookie crust pastry is also popular" and the other one: "You can avoid flu with...". After all that I started to think that there are probably Stellarium readers who have a awesome Jack Russell at home. So, if you have, please write me in the comments, what should I definitely know before getting myself a Jack Russell puppy? What could I miss when doing that? And there is also a little "catch" - I already have 4 year old cat at home, so I have no idea what my black hairy friend will think about the fact that we will have a puppy bustling around?