Sunday, June 8, 2014

Review: Bruno Vassari "Serum-Vite"

In recent years, me and face serums have become great friends. I don't use them very often, usually make few treatment courses in a year. My last find is Bruno Vassari wine therapy Kianty Experience line's nourishing and firming serum, I boosted up my skin with in the beginning of the spring. Bruno Vassari has so many other exciting lines, but the most interesting to me have to be the wine therapy ones.   

When spring started I decided to give it a try to a product called Kianty Experience Serum-Vite'i - it is a highly concentrated nourishing and firming serum. It contains high quality ingredients, that fight against skin's aging. Cherry on top is a shea butter in the serum, that moisturises, tones and softens the skin. First I got little bit scared of the statement that it gives a botox-like effect for the skin. I looked in the mirror and thought: "Why do I need a botox Effect?" But when I read the product introduction, the fear went away as fast as it came. Serum is just going to relax muscles while lifting and firming the skin.  

Kianty Serum-Vite serum's texture is very light and absorbs quickly into skin. To achieve maximum results, it is recommended to pick out serum and moisturiser by the same company, because they have been developed to work together in the best way. I have oily skin and the last thing I want, is to layer enormous amounts of creams on it, so I used only the serum day and night. That worked out great with my skin! When I first started out using this serum, it was still cold outside, but it definitely helped my skin a lot when coping with the weather changes. Usually I get drier skin when spring comes by, but this year my skin decided to skip that part of its behaviour. Whenever using serums, you should have patience, because results don't come overnight. But after few weeks I saw nicely clear skin from the mirror. I would compare Kianty Serum-Vite'i with the effects of microdermabrasion - after using it for few weeks morning and night, skin will be smooth and complexion will be much healthier.  

My biggest weakness is eye creams and I also found a interesting products from Wine Therapy line when it comes to eye creams. They have in a little pump bottle Kianty ete lift-ox, that will activate skin's blood circulation, reduces puffyness and lightens dark circles around eyes. Dark circles have been my problem in the recent years. Recently I also read that dark circles appear to happen because of the slow blood circulation. Kianty eye-lift-ox contains Haloxyl with has natural enzymes that help to avoid blood getting stuck around the eye area. To the ones, who are also struggling with dark circles, should definitely try Kianty Experience eye cream. It works! Wine Therapy line has also so many other products I plan on getting myself. I would definitely would like to test out their Pioogia di Vigna face toner and face trimming concentrate Lacrime d'uva. Check out their website here and let me know, what gets your attention the most!

Viimastel aastatel olen saanud heaks sõbraks näoseerumitega. Ma ei kasuta neid väga tihti, kuid aastas paar kuuri teen julgesti. Minu viimane leid on Bruno Vassari veiniteraapia Kianty Experience sarja niisutav ja pinguldav Serum-Vite, millega turgutasin end alanud kevadel. Bruno Vassaril on mitmeid põnevaid sarju, kuid kõige huvitavamad tundusid mulle veiniteraapia tooted. 

Kevade hakul otsustasin proovida Kianty Experience Serum-Vite`i - kõrge kontsentratsiooniga niisutavat ja pinguldavat seerumit. See sisaldab rohkelt kvaliteetseid koostisosasid, mis võitlevad omakorda naha vananemise põhjuste vastu. Kirsina tordil sisaldab seerub šeavõid, mis niisutab, toniseerib ja pehmendab nahka. Esialgu ehamas mind küll kiri, et seerum annab nahale botoxi sarnase efekti ja täidab kortsud. Vaatasin peeglisse ja mõtlesin: "Milleks mulle vaja botoxi efekti?" Kuid toote tutvustust lugedes sain üle segaseid tundeid tekitanud sõnast "botox". Seerum lihtsalt lõdvestab lihaseid, tõstab ja pinguldab nahka. 

Kianty Serum-vite seerum on väga kerge tekstuuriga ja imendub imekiiresti. Selleks, et saavutada maksimaalne tulemus, soovitatakse enamasti valida sama firma seerum ja kreem, sest need tooted töötavad vastastikuses sünergias. Mul on rasune nahk ja ma ei taha kanda sellele lõputuid kihte kreeme, seega kasutasin öösel ja päeval nahal vaid seerumit ja see töötas imehästi. Kui ma seerumit alles kasutama hakkasin, olid väljas veel külmad ilmad, kuid see aitas nahal ilmastiku muutustega ilusti toime tulla. Enamasti muutub mu näonahk kevadel kuivaks, kuid sel aastal jäi see peatükk vahele. Seerumit kasutades peab olema kannatust, sest tulemus ei tule üle öö. Kuid juba nädala möödudes vaatas mulle peeglist vastu mõnusalt klaar nahk. Ma võrdleksin Kianty Serum-vite`i tulemust nahal näolihvimise efektiga - nahk on paari nädalal möödudes terve jumega ja sile. 

Minu suur nõrkus on silmaümbruskreemid ja ühe huvitava toote leidsin veel Wine Therapy sarjast. Nendel on väikeses armsas pumbaga pudelis Kianty eye lift-ox, mis aktiveerib naha verevarustust, vähendab silmade turseid ja valgendab silmade ümber tumedaid ringe. Just tumedad silmaalused on mulle viimastel aastatel tõelist peavalu valmistanud. Nagu ma hiljuti lugesin, siis tumedad ringid tekivad silmade ümber aeglase vereringe tõttu. Kianty eye lift-ox sisaldab Haloxyli, mille naturaalsed ensüümid aitavad vältida verejääkide kogunemist silmaümbruse piirkonda. Neile, kes on hädas tumedate silmaalustega, võiksid kindlasti Kianty Experience silmakreemi proovida. See töötab! Wine Therapy sarjas leidub veel mitmeid tooteid, mida plaanin endale soetada. Kindlasti tahan testida nende Pioggia di vigna näotoonikut ja nahka trimmivat kontsentraati Lacrime d'uva. Kiika nende kodulehele SIIN ja muljeta, milline toode sulle kõige rohkem huvi pakub!


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