Sunday, April 15, 2012

Feeling defenseless - get into Bastion

Now I`m gonna take you to the tour to the Bastion fashion house, the eldest one in Estonia, founded 25 years ago and still going strong. Bastion Factory house, plain and simple building, has lots of spacious rooms in it, big enough for creativity and bright ideas. I was guided by Kristina Heinmets, Bastions creative director, kind enough to show me surroundings.

Eesti vanim tegutsev moemaja Bastion asub Tallinnas ning see lihtsa disainiga hoone peidab endas põnevaid käike, salapaiku ja korruseid. Minu giid sel teekonnal oli Bastionis tegutsev Kristiina Heinmets, kes näitas mulle lahkelt avaraid ruume, kus sünnivad suured mõtted. Siin sünnib nii Bastioni kui ka Beselfi looming.

Kristiina has been cooperating with Bastion for years already. Started at young age as a model and is still working for them. You can see a lot of posters of her around the house, I took a snap of my favourite one. 

Kristiina on ise teinud Bastioniga aastaid koostööd. Ta alustas Bastioni modellina juba õige noorelt ja töötab ka täna nende heaks. Majas oli ohtralt suuri ja väikseid plakateid Kristiinast. Pildistasin üles enda lemmiku.

The head designers office, really thrilling place! It looked really grand.

Üks kõige põnevamaid ruume oli Bastioni peadisaineri kabinet. Siin on seinaääred  palistatud kangarullidega ja lauanurgal pikutavad kanganäidised.

You can also find some fine handbags designed by Merike Pääro, the chief herself.

 Samast kabinetist võib ka leida käekotte, mida Merike Pääro on moeshow`de jaoks disaininud.

One of The Big Clients of Bastion fashion house is the First Lady Evelin Ilves. You can see Evelin wearing Merike Pääro`s gear every now and then. At this years Presidents Ball Evelin had the evening dress designed by Merike on and it was really very good. Here you can see some photos of Evelin Ilves and one with her hubbie President I saw in the office of head designer.

Bastioni tihe klient on presidendiproua Evelin Ilves. Ta kannab sageli Merike Pääro loomingut. Sel aastal disainis Pääro ka Evelinile presideniballi kleidi. Leidsin Merike Pääro kabinetist ka mõned fotod, kus näeme Evelini üksi ja koos presidendiga.

Bastion has won the Estonian fashion awards: The Golden Needle (Kuldnõel) and two of them, as you can see.

Bastionis on mõistagi seinal võidetud Kuldnõelad.

Those fabulous fabrics… One of my real weaknesses and I don`t have many, well, isn`t it obvious!? This is the spot where all fabrico-phils will sure lose their minds. To be honest I was about to but Kristiina brought me back down to earth by knocking on my shoulders and we resumed with our tour. Which ended with myself vis-a-vis with three graces.

Kangad on minu suur nõrkus. Ning see on kohe kindlasti paik, kus need, kes kangaid armastavad, võivad pea kaotada. Kui nüüd aus olla, siis mul hakkaski pea kaduma, kuid Kristiina koputas mulle õlale ja me jalutasime edasi. Lõpuks kohtusin nende kolme graatsiaga, kes jäävad seda sissekannet lõpetama. 

Three graces...
Siin nad ongi! 


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